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[REBOL] Re: web counter, next-page method?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 8-Apr-2004 4:59

Hallvard Ystad wrote:
>Hi, Petr, > >I see Marten had good answers to this. Look at them first! > >Here's what I do with the RIX (uses MySQL and DocKimbel's mysql-protocol.r): I use LIMIT in the DB-command, and fetch only, say, the first ten records: >LIMIT 10 > >Bottom of page, I have a "next 10 occurances" link. Click it, and I do >LIMIT 10, 10 >Which fetches only 10 records, starting at 10. > >Persistent connections / sessions would be better, but I didn't bother using cookies or figuring out a good way to make session IDs and putting them in the url. Guess this is easier with FastCGI. > >Was this to any help? >HY >
OK, guys, all fine answers. As for DB aproach pov, I think I can manage it, as I have some db background. Maybe I expressed myself a bit incorrectly. My "problem" is that of how to visually represent that. As I already said - I don't do gfx + html. It is done by our gfx folk. I can fill-in the table with appropriate info, but I was asked what should designer do to represent "next-page" visually. e.g. - once on first page, you can represent your results as: (1) 2 3 4 ->> - you click "2", you get - <<-- 1 (2) 3 4 --> Those page-continuation sections, can have various visual representations - as e.g. with counter - you can use html only with clear text, or you can compose it with bitmaps, etc. But there is no if, then, else awailable with html. So my question is, what is the right aproach to build html template for me to just fill in the data. Maybe the only solution is that designer marks html section where such next-page section will be placed, and it will be separated in another few templates I will have to plug-in? As you can see with above example, it is rather dynamic - when you start, there is no back button, as you move to (2), there is the back button, once you reach (4), there will be no forward button, etc. -pekr-