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[ALLY] "Circonfine" - or how to skin a cat

From: ven::telia::com at: 28-Oct-2000 2:50

Hello allies! Check out this one! It's the result of some hard hours trying to make a round boundary for GUI-making (I'm not really a die-hard programmer). I think it turned out pretty good. Now we can make these neat volume- knobs for MP3-skins or whatever comes first.. Any comments are welcome.. -- Magnus Lundström -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: circonfine.r rebol[] circonfine: func [ {Return the correct offset to keep circular area in-bounds.} offset [pair!] "Initial offset" origin [pair!] "Area offset" asize [pair!] "Size of area" size [pair!] "Size of object to confine" ][ origin: origin + (asize / 2) - (size / 2) offset: offset - origin rmax: to-integer (asize/x / 2) - (size/x / 2) r: square-root ((power offset/x 2) + (power offset/y 2)) if r > rmax [offset/x: to-integer offset/x * (rmax / r) offset/y: to-integer offset/y * (rmax / r)] offset: offset + origin offset ] ;--------- example ----------- circle: make face [ offset: 100x100 size: 100x100 color: 175.185.188 effect: [gradcol 1x1 200.200.200 0.0.0 oval 0.0.0 key] edge: make edge [size: 0x0] ] dragger: make face [ size: 28x28 offset: circle/offset + (circle/size / 2) - 14x14 color: -1 edge: make edge [size: 0x0] effect: [gradcol -1x-1 255.255.255 0.0.0 oval 0.0.0 key] feel: make feel [ engage: func [face action event index][ either none? face/data [ face/data: event/offset ][ face/offset: circonfine face/offset + (event/offset - face/data) circle/offset circle/size dragger/size show face ] if action = 'up [face/data: none] ] ] ] fence: make face [ offset: 0x0 size: 300x300 color: 50.100.150 pane: [circle dragger] ] view fence