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[REBOL] Re: Understanding REBOL...

From: greg:schofield:iinet:au at: 11-Aug-2008 20:35

--- Message Received --- From: Carl Read <> To: Reply-To: Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 17:05:24 +1200 Subject: [REBOL] Re: Understanding REBOL... Carl wrote: I'm reasonably comfortable with the language now, (except for parsing, I not having done enough of it for it to have stuck), but I remember with leaning REBOL that it was best done by doing it. The look at others' scripts" kind of advice I found useless." I agree, and likewise, except in a very narrow way, the script's of others a little help but not a lot. Doing is really the only way, but it still needs a conceptual introduction (rather than step by step), an easier VID helps a lot and that is what I have been holding back for it in R3, and of course not being tripped up by habits learnt by R2. Carl: "... Is a particular word data or code? Well, it can be either. And if code, is it one of the default REBOL functions? Who knows? And even if it is, in the context it's being used it may be a totally different function or actually be data." You nailed it for me -- that is the point I get most confused on. Maybe a smart editor could help, at least to some extent. I am alright to a point, and then it just spludgers all together. I don't think it is a problem with the language -- I know it is my primitive assumptions, I am seeing the wrong things the wrong way, so I get along for a bit (it seems to get quite natural) and then I get lost -- well that is how I found things last time tried -- which by the way I ended up doing things better than I ever expected and with not much code, but then lost how to go further. There has to be a way to jump start the process. Anyhow I will await for R3 and take out all the stops to learn it properly from the basics up.