[REBOL] Re: Core 2.6 - Last minute requests - take your chance!
From: joel:neely:fedex at: 7-Apr-2002 7:55
1) Fixing inconsistencies/bugs in parsing of strings containing
quotation marks, as in:
>> parse/all {this "is a
{ " test "of parsing" with
{ embedded "quotation marks"} " "
== ["this" "is a^/" "test" "of parsing" "with^/embedded"
"quotation marks"]
The documented meaning of the /ALL refinement would lead one
to expect the result to be:
[{this} {"is} {a^/"} {test} {"of} {parsing"} {with^/}
{embedded} {"quotation} {marks"}]
The failure to break on some of the spaces and the silent
destruction of the quotation marks make PARSE of limited
value when parsing strings that do contain quotation marks
and for which the programmer needs complete control of
the parsing.
If there's some reason (which I can't guess at) for the
above inconsistency, then this problem could be remedied by
1) correcting the documentation to explain what PARSE
is actually intended to do, and
2) adding a new refinement, such as /RAW, which explicitly
means "do not attach special behavior to *ANY* characters
in the parsed string, but leave that up to the PARSE
rules written by the programmer" and -- of course --
"retain all characters in the parsed string".
2) Fixing the *VERY* troubling mangling of arguments from
the command line:
rebol this is "a test" of arguments
>> system/script/args
== "is a test of arguments"
which renders it unnecessarily difficult to pass argument
strings into a program in consistent fashion with normal
command line processing in Unix, Linux, msdos, etc. This
should provide the "raw" console argument string without
destruction of contents.
Note that
>> system/options/args
== ["is" "a test" "of" "arguments"]
appears to be related to the first issue in this email. If
this is the reason that PARSE behaves as described in the
first issue, then this seems like a case of the tail wagging
the dog.
Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> Hello list,
> Core 2.6 is really near now, so we all have last chance to
> post bug reports, enhancement request, to be included in 2.6.
> Post it as a reply to this message...
; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
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do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
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