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[REBOL] Re: Rebol/plugin install issues - was Re: Wake up ;-)

From: rebol1:covenantbg at: 3-Mar-2004 10:55

Hi all, My name is Josh Mitts, and for those of you who don't already know me from the rebol-view world, I developed REBOL/Plugin (with Carl, who had to turn REBOL into a DLL..gotta keep him workin and out of trouble, you know... ;-)) For those of you that are having problems with the plugin *not* related to proxy settings (we are aware of that and will be implementing a solution to proxy issues soon), can you e-mail me directly at [rebol1--covenantbg--com]? I'd like to find out more about your specific system and troubleshoot from there. I've heard that one of the problems tends to happen on NT4. If there are others on different operating systems, can you let me know? Thanks! Josh Mitts