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[REBOL] SAVE each elements to a new line

From: info::id-net::ch at: 10-Aug-2002 9:45

Hey, is it possible to save each elements to a new line ? Here's an example. holiday.txt is : ["1" "2-Sept-2002"] ["2" "23-Sept-2002"] the rebol script is rebol [] a: load %holiday.txt append/only a ["3" "29-Sept-2002"] save %holiday.txt a The result is : ["1" "2-Sept-2002"] ["2" "23-Sept-2002"]["3" "29-Sept-2002"] instead of ["1" "2-Sept-2002"] ["2" "23-Sept-2002"] ["3" "29-Sept-2002"] Notes: I want to use load and save, not write/append/lines Phil