From: rebolek:seznam:cz at: 1-Mar-2002 20:25
:) Thank you Carl but I discarded myself from competition just because no-one
can beat me :)
(That was joke. Provided without ANY WARRANTY of ANY KIND. Authors does not
warrant that the joke will meet your requirements, or that the joke will be
uninterrupted or error-free. Under no circumstances, including negligence,
shall the author be liable for any incidental, special, indirect or
consequential damages caused by the joke. If you do not agree with terms of
this END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, please stop breathing. If you're still
breathing, you agree with our EULA. Thank you, REBOL/Demo license department).
One strange idea came to my mind. Am I man from future? Seems like (but THEY
didn't told me anything ;-).
Not because of demos but it seems like I wrote that mail on 2-Mar-02 and now
is 1-Mar-02. Believe or not but look cca 8 lines down and you'll see.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Read" <[carl--cybercraft--co--nz]>
To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: RDC:FYI3
On 02-Mar-02, bolek wrote:
> Hurry up, time is running out! February has just ended and you've
> got only two weeks till deadline. You want to be OFFICALLY FIRST
> WINNER of REBOL/Demo competition? Still gotta chance!
> Another flattering demo included, this time in 717 bytes (header
> included)
That one's cool, bolek. If you get no entries, give yourself the
prize for that. (:
Of course, the real reason for the slowdown on posts to this list is
everyone's slaving away writing demos for your comp. (He said,
rather unconvincingly:)
> ------8<-----cut here-------->8---------
> REBOL [Title: "REBOL/Demo Competition"]
> view layout [
> b: box 350x150 with [
> text: "2 weeks left"
> rate: 20
> edge: none
> image: make image! 350x150
> font: make font [color: white size: 18 style: 'bold]
> feel: make feel [
> engage: func [f a e][
> switch a [
> time [
> f/effect: compose/deep [
> (xx: to-image f)
> crop 3x3 342x142
> fit
> blur
> contrast 20
> draw [
> pen random 255.255.255
> fill-pen random 255.255.255
> circle (make pair! reduce [100 + random 100 50 + random 50])
> (random 12)
> ]
> difference (xx)
> luma -10
> ]
> f/image: to-image f
> show f
> ]
> ]
> ]
> ]
> ]
> ]
> ---
> Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
> Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz).
> Verze: 6.0.231 / Virová báze: 112 - datum vydání: 12.2.2001
Carl Read