[REBOL] I'm looking for help
From: ale870::gmail::com at: 19-Jun-2006 9:01
I'm creating a tool to use Rebol from remote computers (of course,
distributed as LGPL license).
My final target is creating a shell platform independent. Of course, you can
even execute standard shell commands.
In order to create platform-independent shell, I need many Rebol
scripts/functions that perform any kind of operation, without using native
shell commands.
The script should work just like any other standard Rebol command (e.g.:
list-dir, delete, delete-dir, etc....) but including more extended, shell
oriented, features (think about shell commands: they are short for fast
typing, with many options, etc...).
The integration between a complete set of commands and an useful
local/remote shell could take many advantages to advanced users,
programmers, system administrators, etc...
If you wish more info, please don't hesitate to make any question!
Thank you!