[REBOL] Re: InformIT.com Articles Introduction to Water™ A New Native We
From: robert:muench:robertmuench at: 31-Aug-2002 15:07
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]
> On Behalf Of Gerard Cote
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 8:12 PM
> To: [rebol-list--rebol--com]
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: InformIT.com Articles Introduction to
> Water(tm) A New Native Web Services
> You are completely right Robert, since I have some difficulty
> to cope with my English,
Hi, no problem. Same for me ;-) and the danger is that good postings will be
lost / not recognized.
> really longer than it could take in FRENCH
I can't resist ;-) as I learned French for 6 years in school and always wondered
how much you can talk without saying to much ;-). IMO that's the cause that
French is used in diplomacy.
> Nice , and I also suspect that Andrew is doing something like
> this too, based on similar foundations.
Yep, I think so too. Our web-dialecting stuff developed into different
directions with different goals. Andrew's goal is to be able to write HTML code
in a nicly dialect, mine with make-doc-pro is just to be able to write some
document and get a nice layout.
> I admit we will have to wait and see until someone whatever
> it will be you or anybody else or a team - will have a
> Useable toolkit to share with the rest of us and for getting
> some advice to help enhance the product together.
That's something I can live with. At the moment there is no big business behind
Rebol etc. so my goal is to release this stuff. Even if there might be a
business around the ideas, I don't have a problem. At the moment we need to push
Rebol and possible solutions into the market ASAP. Let others see how nice those
solutions are, and than let's start making money out of it.
> As I already offered previously, I'll be glad to participate when
> you'll decide it is ready to be done.
Fine! I will move it to a level, where most of you can see the direction and
idea. I don't care to much if we change implementation things. I'm sure there
will be a lot of possible improvements. But I would like to avoid (at least for
my approach) to discuss the general direction. If some of you think: "Hey, IMO
this looks like a good way, I move with them." This would be fine. And I hope
that this group will achieve ciritical mass.
> Until then I continue
> to study REBOL and other IDEs that should be of help in a
> near future - even if it is solely for the purpose of
> brainstorming before DESIGNING and HARD CODING a first too
> bad solution .
That's perfect! All the links about lazysoftware, nakedobjects etc. are very
good. Sometime I think that we have some real cool research guys here on the ML
:-)) Saves me a lot of time...
> I agree with you too on this point. I often send up-front
> many ideas without having a good estimate of all the work
> that has to be done to get all of them functional.
That's ok. Your goal is brainstorming, research, looking around to get a feeling
what others do etc.
> I appreciate to have some "realistic" guys like you and most of
> the ML members that are able to SAY : NO MORE when it has to
> be done ... even if this implies that I must wait for another
> more or less time period. At least I'm not staying inactive
> on my side either !!!
Perfect. Yes, I must addmit that I'm more on the "realistic" side but soley
because I haven't found a way yet to extend a day to 48h. I try to do real
things with the different ideas to get a feeling for the solution.
> But here my pov is simply a matter of not going too far in a
> CUL-DE-SAC (dead end) while it could be done otherway before
> if some other external party had just eyed over your shoulder
> when it was time...
Yes, that's the danger. But I'm arrogant enough to say: It won't be to bad and
the first release has the big blocks done, but not the details. There will be
enough room for improvements.
> and the time is before the HARD CODING
> begins. But I understand that with REBOL we can try and test
> better and more affordably than with other Programming
> Languages - generally speaking of.
Exactly. With using Rebol I'm sure we can alter the framework at light speed.
> Another field of interest is having an IDE develpped in REBOL
> for REBOL to help accelerate and standardize some
> develop-test-run cycle for REBOL scripting. Instead of always
> reinventing the wheel, we could be using some REAL templating
> system to start with when developing CONTEXTUAL apps. Similar
> in concept to the DIALECT one but could be used in a more
> VISUAL form than now.
I see. I'm trying to create this "application franca" that can be used for 80%
if all problmes as is and you only have to add the specialized 20%.
> I thank you for this implication Robert. Hope it will be as
> successful as you hope it will. Have a share with us as soon
> as you'll think it's OK for discussion or a try.
Ok, perhaps you are right. I have published my documentation I got so far. Quite
a lot. It's a mix of english and german so be warned ;-)). Please have a look at
the following link:
Note: This page isn't reachable via my homepage yet. You have to use the direct
> Looks like myself at this moment ... If you want to get more
> testing help, I have somewhat more free time this fall.
Be sure to get contacted ;-))
> P.S. I think you're on the good track when usin the
:-)) I hope so too. Robert
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