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[REBOL] Re: REBOL database

From: coussement:c:js:mil:be at: 6-Sep-2001 9:48

> I am creating a database program for a client. This client is > currently using M$ SQL Server. I know REBOL will interface with M$SQl, > but I want to know if any one here has had expeience with both M$SQL, & a > Database written in REBOL.
[ I am using the two for one year know, in our Computer Aided Psychotechnical Testing system. I found out the two are complementary: I use native REBOL blocks for storing work data on local station or distant servers, and when those have been handled, I transfer them to SQL Server for archive and data transmission to other projects. The addressing of native REBOL blocks is _a lot_ easier to manage that a distant access to a SQL Server - just think about the network problems that always exists ... The system works fine: we're talking about more than 2000000 - two millions - rows which have be treated here ! BTW, I've now design a new OODB system in REBOL, which we're currently testing. This will replace the native blocs in text files. ]
> What is the speed comparison? Is REBOL viable database Server? > > [
REBOL can be very fast in finding back some data into list or blocks. I didn't ever have a speed problem, even with the volume we are confronted to. I just think the difficulty should be implementing data integrity in REBOL, such as this offered in SQLServer. The language can do it, but it's a relative complex matter - just think about the lock policy ... Hopes this help ==christophe ]