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[REBOL] CPS transformations on func tion! values

From: maarten:koopmans:surfnet:nl at: 25-Feb-2003 21:49

Hi, Now here is a puzzle.... Has anybody given any thought to CPS transformation on function! values ( a function! translator)? I did, but I can't figure out how to get all that dynamic code in tail-form :( Why? I'd like to be able to suspend my REBOL at any time, serialize it and the resume at some other time. Perhaps on another REBOL somewhere in the wild wild REB. Why? Think parallelized computations. Think GRID computing. Think Information World (yes Gabriele, I haven't forgotten). Storing the state of a REBOL is easy if you mark some types (port! native! as volatile) and do dome tricks on others (most notably those use values). Storing bindings is harder, but you can get pretty far. Storing control flow is a challenge. --Maarteb