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[REBOL] Re: not working for newbie

From: andreas:bolka:gmx at: 12-Jan-2004 4:56

Monday, January 12, 2004, 4:21:44 AM, Kai wrote:
> When using it exactly as shown (log-data %log.txt "Opened"), I > receive > ** Script Error: attempt has no value > ** Where: log-data > ** Near: attempt [write/append file data] > Any ideas?
Looks like you are using an older version of REBOL that misses the 'attempt function. I'd suggest upgrading to a recent version, but you could also simply add attempt yourself: attempt: func [ {Tries to evaluate and returns result or NONE on error.} value ][ if not error? set/any 'value try :value [get/any 'value] ] -- Best regards, Andreas