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[REBOL] The "It's Mine Now and I'll Do What I Want With It" Project Proposal

From: depotcity:home at: 10-Mar-2001 0:22

Goal - Reconstruct a previously read webpage prior to saving so that all tags are complete URLs Here's a project some may be interested in collaborating on for the good of Reboldom. The Problem. When an HTML document is read and then saved, many of the tags (src, a href etc) become "dead" due to the original page referencing a path to the local server directly, like so... <a href="/news/0-1006-200-5079991.html?tag=tp_pr"> as opposed to the complete URL, thus... <a href=""> When the page is then "delivered" outside of its domain, the resulting html is marred. This hinders webpage manipulation and must not be allowed to continue. The Solution Now lets say we could replace the "dead" (for lack of a proper definition) URLs with "well-formed" URLs, what would be some of the advantages? A few that come to mind include; - Reading a webpage, removing the javascript that "breaks" the page out of frames, then delivering it to a frame (sneaky huh?) - Removing/Replacing banner ads. - Marking up the page with XML on the fly - Annotating the page - Highlight key points etc. Now this seems like an easy task, but it's deceiving. One may say, "Just insert the domain part of the URL into the tags" (see my "been using rebol for months, but still green" script below) This works for basic sites, but as the HTML gets more and more complex, so the sophistication of function. For example, some of these "dead" tags get pretty wirey... some have a leading "/" and some don't, some are embedded into javascript, and many other styles. Is this idea too far fetched? Am I not seeing the forest for the trees? Is there already a solution? Your thoughts and input are much appreciated. Terry Brownell Below is the "It's Mine Now 1.0" (Note: I know this could be written much better, and as a minimum made into a function, but it's a start from a starter. Feel free to improve. Also I find laying the code out into long lines easier to follow and debug. Don't ask me why, maybe cuz I'm Canadian.) rebol [] the-domain: to-url ask "What domain?" the-markup: load/markup the-domain ;The following will check for "dead" SRCs, if true then add the domain forall the-markup [if all [(type? first the-markup) = tag! found? find first the-markup {src="} not found? find first the-markup "://"][insert find/tail first the-markup {src="} the-domain]] ;The following will check for "dead" HREFs and replace with domain if necessary the-markup: head the-markup forall the-markup [if all [found? find first the-markup {HREF="} not found? find first the-markup "://"][insert find/tail first the-markup {HREF="} the-domain]] the-markup: head the-markup print the-markup