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[REBOL] Proper usage of "thru" in parse

From: mediquip8:y:ahoo at: 20-Jul-2006 7:39

I want to use parse to print item1,item2,item3 and item4 in the string "text" below. How does one get "thru" to search either <normal> or <highlight> before copying item 1, item2, item3 and item4? text:"<normal>item1<end><highlight>item2<end><highlight>item3<end><normal>item4<end>" I have tried the "or" inside the rule but could not get it to work. rule: [thru {"<normal>"|"<hightlight>"} copy label to {<end>} (print label) ] parse text [any[rule]] Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. -Mark Chang Malaysia --------------------------------- Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.