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[REBOL] Rebol marketing, Hifh performance, concurrent server (Was) Re: [REBOL] R

From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 21-Apr-2002 11:52

Christian Langreiter wrote:
>Carl, one question, however, remains: What is the "official RT way" to write >high-performance, concurrent servers in REBOL? (And no, Rugby is not an >option, because it blocks when executing long-running functions). I have >found no completely compelling way to do so yet. > >Best regards, >-- Chris >-- >
Hi Chris, I think, that currently, there is no official RT's way. It is really sad seeing Holger's replies of a "we need you to pay for a certain feature". That's on one hand. On the second hand - we can be glad, that RT has actually some sales for IOS, are making some money, but are pretty busy. But wasn't it expectable? What kind of support do you want to provide, with some 5 or so developers? There are only two ways - - open source, or at least opened enough language (shell and library components for free), browser plug-ins for View, gaining critical mass of users ... and charge for the money in certain areas later. It would come! - as ppl would start to use language in areas, where currently language can't be used, or licensing policy is making it rather difficult. - RT doesn't want to go the first way, maybe just because they need to live from something - so - they need to sell products. If you sell your products, you need to provide certain level of tech support. Having 5 programmers on board, you can't do too much in the technology development area. I think, that things like Unicode will come, as well as Rebol Core 3.0 is imo already planned, async networking is being worked on, etc etc. RT already told us, that they do want to enhance Rebol technology, but will do so only when time permits them to do so. Of course, Rebol user-base would prefer the first way to go, as it is clear some platforms are being left, and others will not come (QNX), if there is no business need for it - wrong aproach imo, but well .... The different situation would be, if e.g. IBM would invest 100 mil USD in RT, because they just like the technology :-) So, now to Rugby - imo RT don't want to take some "official way" right now - we will get low-level adaptation - async networking. That's all so far. Rugby can be used to non-blocking calls - rexec/deferred, or I just don't understand properly what do you mean. Other nice solution to the poblem should come in two or so months from one Rebol user here, and I think it is gonna be cool. Just can't say more right now, as it is not my business to do so .... :-) Cheers, -pekr-