[REBOL] Loading a pathname from command line parameter
From: jwirt::toward::com at: 25-Jun-2001 23:42
I need some help fixing the script below.
The command used to start Rabble from the NT command line is:
rebol test.r /g/psa106/NAJun25.Txt
The probe command shows that the value of messagefile is:
/g /psa106 /NAJun25.txt
The question is how can I convert this data series into pathname with
file type file! so that the file can be sent with the email command?
Thank you. John Wirt
Title: "Test script"
File: %test.r
Author: "jwirt"
Date: 20-May-2001
Purpose: { Load an email script from command line. }
messagefile: load system/script/args
probe messagefile
change-dir %/k/internettools/rebol/
members: load %addresses.txt
send members read %messagefile