[REBOL] rmoock + rugby where art thee??
From: jason::cunliffe::verizon::net at: 1-Jan-2004 14:08
Q1. I am looking for a program that I think was called "rmoock.r", an XML
socket server in Rebol based on Colin Moock's original java work for flash,
which has now grwon into to commercial app called "Unity"
A sister of rmoock.r written in Python is "swocket"
Alas, as is all too often the case, Rebol is really much too hard to find on
google :-(
Q2. Also where is Maarten Koopmen's rugby?
The "Rugby distribution" link from http://www.rebolforces.com/articles/hipe/
is dead.
There is a few script versions on rebol.com, not clear which is the right
And there is Brett's excellent "Introducing Rugby" article
but the main download link from there is dead also :-(
So is
best/latest place to get rugby?
Q3. Is http://rebol.org now the prime up-to-date script library site
replacing http://www.reboltech.com/library/library.html ?
thanks and
New Year Positivity to you all...
- Jason