[REBOL] Re: XML parsing / XMLRPC Re:
From: rebol:svendx:dk at: 25-Sep-2000 23:41
Hello Chris,
On 25-Sep-00, you wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I've uploaded a few scripts that adds some XMLRPC functionality to REBOL
>> XML parsing function to my (brand new!) REBOL section at
> http://www.obscure.dk/rebol/
> Hey cool! Now we've got two XML-RPC libs for REBOL ;-)
Cool! Maybe we should exchange notes :-)
> Mine (client and cgi-based server) lives and breathes at:
> http://www.langreiter.com/space/RXR
Just had a peek, pretty cool!
I'll look closer into it later.
> Now, shouldn't we try to implement SOAP together?
I really havn't looked much into SOAP, but it seems pretty cool.
I'm going to be rather busy at work this week, but after that, maybe we could discuss
this again ?
> Bye and congrats,
> Chris
Best regards
Thomas Jensen