[REBOL] Re: ProHosting is... WORKING! cgiemail.r needs to specify server?
From: giovanni::cardona::com at: 16-Dec-2000 18:34
Well, at least we can REBOL for free on this site ;)
I started learning REBOL last saturday and I just
finished my first CGI Rebol script to use it in my pet site:
I think the code looks better than doing it with Perl anyways ;)
Your comments are very welcome!
#!rebol -cs
Title: "The Sea-Monkey Project"
Author: "[Giovanni--Cardona--com]"
Date: 16-12-2000
Version 0.1.2
File: %cgismpro.cgi
Email: "[seamonkeyuncle--netclubmedia--com]"
Rights: "Copyright Giovanni Cardona 2001"
{ This program may help new
breeders to start a Sea-Monkey
family succesfully.
It will show a table of procedures
during the first month.
The user will then have an idea
of the decisions to take during
the rest of their pet life.
Visit the web site for more tips at:
print "Content-Type: text/html^/" ;-- Required Page Header
;initialize values
set 'wait_eggs 24:00:00
set 'wait_first_food_dosis 5
set 'wait_first_plasma_dosis 10
set 'wait_food 4
set 'wait_plasma 14
set 'water-purifier now
set 'instant-life :water-purifier + :wait_eggs
set 'growth-food :instant-life + :wait_first_food_dosis
set 'plasma :instant-life + :wait_first_plasma_dosis
set 'first-month 31
;Block of messages, maybe be used as an
;external file for multi-language purpose
set 'msg [
<b><i>Water Purifier</i></b>
<b><i>Instant Life</i></b>
<b><i>Growth Food</i></b>
<u>First Dosis</u>
Next Dosis
<u>three</u> big scoops
one big scoop
one small scoop
<p><font size='+1' face='verdana, arial'>Follow this exact procedure for
the first two packets</font></p>
<p><font size='+1' face='verdana, arial'>Suggested <i>Growth-Food</i> dosis
during the first month</font></p>
<p><font size='+1' face='verdana, arial'>Suggested <i>Plasma</i> dosis
during the first month</font></p>
<b>entire packet</b>
{<center><h1><font color='#AA0000'>THE SEA-MONKEY
PROJECT:</font></h1><br><h2><font color='#0000AA'>TIME TABLE FOR THE FIRST
MONTH</font></h2><br><h3>Print this document</h3></center>}
{<p><font size='1' face='verdana, arial'>Please notice that I offer this
table as a reference only. That means that only you decide the exact
procedures to follow depending on your own experiences, regional
particularities like temperatures, water and air quality and the freshness
of your formulas, including storage temperatures, etc. By no means does <a
href='mailto:[seamonkeyuncle--netclubmedia--com']>The Sea-Monkey Uncle</a>
assume any responsability for any mishap that may occur when following the
procedures dictated in this table.</font></p>}
{<br><center><font size='1' face='verdana, arial'>You have to wait 24 hours
after Water Purifier to add Instant Life (next day/same
{<p><font size='1' face='verdana, arial'>Please visit us at <a
href='http://roads.to/seamonkey'>http://roads.to/seamonkey</a> for more
info, tricks & tips, real life video footage, virtual cards, historic view
or just participate in our monthly give-a-way!</font></p>}
{<p align='center'><font size='2' face='verdana, arial'>For a list of kits
on the internet click <b><a
;list of repetitive tags series
set 'tgs [
<div align='center'><center><table width='80%'>
;Print Block
print "<html><head><title>SEA-MONKEY PLANNER</title></head>"
print "<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>"
print "<div align='center'><center><table width='90%' bgcolor='#FFFFAA'>"
print tgs/3
print msg/15
print msg/10
;Water Purifier & Instant Life dates
print tgs/1
print [tgs/3 msg/1 tgs/5 water-purifier/date water-purifier/time tgs/5
msg/14 tgs/4]
print [tgs/3 msg/2 tgs/5 instant-life/date instant-life/time tgs/5 msg/14
print tgs/2
print msg/17
print msg/13
;display food dosis during the first month
;count an entire month after the water purifier
print msg/11
print tgs/1
for d growth-food (water-purifier + first-month) wait_food [
prin [tgs/3 d/date]
either (d = growth-food) [print [tgs/5 msg/5 msg/9 tgs/4]][print [tgs/5
msg/9 tgs/4]]
print tgs/2
;display plasma dosis during the first month
;count an entire month after the water purifier
print [msg/12]
print tgs/1
for p plasma (water-purifier + first-month) wait_plasma [
prin [tgs/3 p/date]
either (p = plasma) [print [tgs/5 msg/5 msg/7 tgs/4]][print [tgs/5 msg/8
print tgs/2
;final statements
;disclaimer, etc
print msg/13
print "<hr width='90%'>"
print msg/13
print msg/16
print msg/18
print msg/19
print msg/13
print [tgs/4 tgs/2 msg/13]
print "</body></html>"
----- Original Message -----
From: Michal Kracik <[kracik--mbox--dkm--cz]>
To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: ProHosting is... WORKING! cgiemail.r needs to specify