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[REBOL] Re: Please explain...

From: jasonic:panix at: 17-Nov-2001 17:57

> > From core25.html: > > > > , >=, <, <= functions have been removed from the pair! > > datatype. They lead to hard-to-find errors. > > Ah. I can't find that in the REBOL/Core 2.5.0 Changes doc on the RT > website, though.
hmmm. google search for "core25.html rebol" says look at <quote> 5. Math Related Added CHECKSUM/secure and RANDOM/secure, producing cryptographically secure checksums and random numbers respectively. Added CHECKSUM/hash and CHECKSUM/method (same as checksum/secure, but with a selectable algorithm: 'md5 or 'sha1), and checksum/key (calculates a keyed message digest). MD5 added as an alternative checksum algorithm. Subtraction of a date! value months bug fixed. The >, >=, <, <= functions have been removed from the pair! datatype. They lead to hard-to-find errors. </quote> <rant> REBOL is great: kudos RT, but RT's website behaves like an amateur !@#$@#$^ mess. dead, out of date or misleading links. indexing and search for docs and how-tos imo suck. needs to be cleaned, checked and all documentation aspects re-designed *using* REBOL, so it makes a stronger advertisement for itelf, and is easier to maintain by RT. It would benefit better from community support. Personally I think they should base the online documentation on Vanilla coupled to makespecpro. </rant> ./Jason