[REBOL] How to properly parse HTML and XHTML Meta Tags
From: vonja:sbcglobal at: 11-Sep-2008 20:00
Hello Rebol Group,
I'm a bit new, I have a couple of the Rebol books and have gone
over the different tutorial a few times but I'm having trouble with
the following code of mine.
For example:
I'm attempting to parse the meta tags but the tag can end in either
or "/>"
I've tried to write the below script a different way, over 50 times,
but to no avail. I don't know how to properly code it where it will
check for either ending tag ">" or "/>"
sample meta tag:
<meta name="description" content="Having trouble with this below script" />
The end result should look like:
Having trouble with this below script
Having trouble with this below script
If I change the script from ">" to "/>" and the meta tag is
<meta name="description" content="Having trouble with this below script">
Then the script will not catch the ">" since it's looking for "/>"
page: read http://www.rebol.com ; webpage to be parsed
title: [] description: [] keywords: []
parse page [ thru <title> copy title to </title>]
parse page [ thru "<meta name=^"keywords^" content=" copy keywords to
parse page [ thru "<meta name=^"description^" content=" copy description
to ">" ]
print title
print description
print keywords
Thank you in advance for your assistance.