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[REBOL] view & multiply effect :-(

From: max::quazart::com at: 20-Nov-2001 16:51

fellow rebolers, why is it that everytime I try to use the multiply effect in view it just doesn't work! don't tell me there is a script called effect-lab which proves it works... yes this script proves to me that I COULD eventually MAKE it work... which just seems to rub in the fact that I can't get it work... I've copied the 'supposed effect and it just doesn't work.... can anyone give me any pointers? please tell me what's wrong with: rebol [] myLoadedImage: load %/path/to/image.png f: make face [size: 300x300 offset: 30x30 ] s: make face [ size: 100x100 offset: 100x100 color: red image: anImage edge: make edge [size: 3x3 effect: 'bevel color 128.128.128] effect: [multiply myLoadedImage] ] f/pane: [] append f/pane s view f the sub-pane just gives me a red and black box Thanks in advance for any help! -MAx