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[REBOL] question on the copy function and tcp ports

From: gabillon::univ-pau::fr at: 28-Nov-2002 19:16

Hi ALL, I have a small tcp serveur port_serveur: open tcp://:8000 forever [ port_client: first port_serveur print copy port_client insert port_client "I am fine" close port_client ] and a small tcp client on the same machine port_client: open tcp://badeche:8000 insert port_client "how are you" print copy port_client close port_client The copy function on the server side does work. it cannot manage to read the data sent by the client. I know how to solve this problem. I can use instead the read-io function for instance. But I do not understand why the copy function does not work in the server whereas it works in the client. Indeed If I replace the copy function with the read-io function in the server then the client can read the data sent by the server with the copy function. Hope I am clear AG