[REBOL] Large file compare
From: valleyroad::gmx::de at: 8-Jun-2005 11:53
i want to do a large file compare with rebol. I already wrote a script to do
this, which works fine and compares two testfiles, containing more than
800000 lines each, within 13 minutes. The only problem is, that the process
consumes about 180 MB Memory and 95 % CPU. The CPU is ok, but i think the
proble will be the Memory as the taget volume is to compare about 6.7 Mio
lines per file.
What i am doing is reading (a: read %testfile1.txt) the two files, doing an
intersect and make a diff on the two files like this:
a: read %testfile1.txt
b: read %testfile2.txt
inboth: intersect a b
only_a: difference inboth a
only_b: difference inboth b
My question is, if there are better ways in rebol to achive the same with
lesser memory consumption??
Thanks for any hints, ideas......
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