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[REBOL] Rebol IRSee.r Discussing all things Rebol

From: depotcity:telus at: 2-May-2001 12:14

Hello All Here's a simple IRC script... (also on the LFReD rebsite) Complete with profanity filter. The text field will refresh itself after 1000 characters... (an autoscroll feature would be nice) Any ideas or suggestions? Terry Brownell REBOL [ Title: "LFReD IRSee" Author: "Terry Brownell" Email: [tbrownell--yahoo--com] Date: 02-May-2001 File: %IRSee.r History: [{ Ver 1.0 }] ] read-it: write-it: view layout [ backdrop 103.134.170 effect [ grid 10x10 93.124.160 ] across handle: field "Handle" 100 93.124.160 button "Start" 75x25 93.124.160 [forever [wait 2 m/text: read read-it show m]] button "Quit" 75x25 93.124.160 [quit] return m: text 400x200 s4: slider 14x200 93.124.160 [scroll-para m s4] return message: field 93.124.160 return button 93.124.160 75x25 "Submit" #"^M" [read rejoin [write-it rejoin [handle/text ": " message/text]]] ]