[REBOL] [ANN] REBOL Script Library Contributions
From: SunandaDH::aol::com at: 4-Jul-2003 6:25
The big question we were repeatedly asked when the Script Library launched
about in March was "When can I contribute scripts?"
Well, we've been a bit quiet on the development front since then, but there
is now an answer -- the answer is "now!"
There is a new menu item, "Contribute a script". Please use this to
contribute any scripts you have that you think are of value to the wider REBOL
The Script Library is a valuable, and easily searched, collection if REBOL
scripts of all sorts -- from simple one-line "how-to"s to complete applications.
We'd like the library to grow so it'll be of increasing value to anyone using
REBOL. For that, we need your help!
Sunanda, on behalf of the "library people".
[The Library People is team of volunteers from this list: Andrew, Gregg,
Ingo, Sunanda, and Volker]