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[REBOL] Re: Injecting data into VID?

From: allenk::powerup::com::au at: 28-Apr-2001 1:19

Hi Joel,
>From what I understand of your question, I think this is what you are after.
With choice you have a choice :-) Choice "string" "string" "string" or or provide a data block by using.. Choice data block!. Cheers, Allen K test1: make object! [ firstNames: ["John" "Jane" "Bob"] lastNames: ["Smith" "Doe" "Doaks"] ui: layout [ across vh2 "Names:" return firstName: choice data firstNames [sayName] lastName: choice data lastNames [sayName] return fullName: text " " 200 return button "Close" [unview] ] sayName: function [] [theName] [ fullName/text: theName: join firstName/text [" " lastName/text] print mold theName show fullName ] run: function [][][ sayName view center-face ui ] ] test1/run