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[REBOL] Re: 'parse-url - where defined?

From: dockimbel:free at: 30-Jan-2001 18:43

Anton wrote: [...]
> How then, does read-via work?
Oops, i forgot to answer to your second question ! :) 'read-via is defined in the global context, but its value is still bound to the context where it was defined. 'parse-url is defined in the same context, so it has a meaning in 'read-via body. I'm not sure that my explanation is crystal clear, so here's an example code : make object! [ parse-url: func [...][...] set 'read-via func [...][...parse-url...] ... ] ; 'read-via will be globally defined but can call 'parse-url in its body. HTH, DocKimbel.