From: bolek::pretorian::cz at: 1-Mar-2002 13:23
Hurry up, time is running out! February has just ended and you've got
only two weeks till deadline.
You want to be OFFICALLY FIRST WINNER of REBOL/Demo competition? Still
gotta chance!
Another flattering demo included, this time in 717 bytes (header
------8<-----cut here-------->8---------
REBOL [Title: "REBOL/Demo Competition"]
view layout [
b: box 350x150 with [
text: "2 weeks left"
rate: 20
edge: none
image: make image! 350x150
font: make font [color: white size: 18 style: 'bold]
feel: make feel [
engage: func [f a e][
switch a [
time [
f/effect: compose/deep [
(xx: to-image f)
crop 3x3 342x142
contrast 20
draw [
pen random 255.255.255
fill-pen random 255.255.255
circle (make pair! reduce [100 + random 100 50 + random 50])
(random 12)
difference (xx)
luma -10
f/image: to-image f
show f
Odchoz=ED zpr=E1va neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolov=E1no antivirov=FDm syst=E9mem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz).
Verze: 6.0.231 / Virov=E1 b=E1ze: 112 - datum vyd=E1n=ED: 12.2.2001