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[REBOL] Re: Reflectivity: How a function can know its own name ?

From: laplace::worldnet::fr at: 26-Mar-2002 19:54

Hello thanks for the code. I will be useful for me since I just began to look at Rebol. Nevertheless my problem is in fact to know the name of the function FROM INSIDE the function because I want to do something like this (see my first anwer to the thread I suppose that an instruction name of self is implemented for rebol function): generic_function: make function ['function_name] [ print function_name ] func1: make function! [ instruction11 instruction12 generic_function [name of self] instruction13] func2: make function! [generic_function [name of self] instruction21 ] ... func10: make function! [ instruction31 generic_function [name of self]] ---- If I don't have a "name of self" for function, each time I add a new function to call generic function, it is in the code of generic function that I would have to test the name of the function with a more or less gigantic number of test instructions: generic_function: make function ['function_name] [ if function_name = "func1" [ instruction11 instruction12 print function_name instruction13 ] if function_name = "func2" [ print function_name instruction21 ] ]