[REBOL] Re: rebol and boot path
From: mbicanic:open:hr at: 29-Jun-2001 20:57
PK> Chris wrote:
PK>> Petr Krenzelok wrote:
PK>>> Hi,
PK>>> just small note - wouldn't it be better for rebol to look for user.r
PK>>> file (and all script run with path-less parameter on the same path
PK>>> as path to .exe is specified):
PK>> Isn't there a REBOL_HOME environmental variable you can set to set the
PK>> location of these files?
PK> So,
PK> 1) How/where to set such variable under W2K?
Ask Bill. :) BTW maybe NT example helps you - see /core UG 2.3 page 1-13...
PK> 2) is the current aproach really practical?
Yes, and can be used on multiuser platform.
PK> Let's say some externall app launches your rebol, so
PK> e.g. apache, so you inherit launcher app directory and you have to
PK> specify e.g. c:/pekr/rebol/command/rebol.exe -cs
PK> c:/pekr/rebol/command/my-script.r and you are left with following
PK> problems:
PK> a) it will look for user.r file in launcher app directory
Yes, but if it is not there (with rebol.r) it will look in env var.
PK> b) try to use
PK> View and -i switch - it will be ignored (which I reported being a bug)
PK> and you will end up with installation screen. View needs two additional
PK> files, or it will try install itself ...
Set REBOL_VIEW to /path/to/view .
PK> c) what if you have more rebol
PK> exes scattered on your hd? Which of them will you choose as REBOL_HOME?
Last version of REBOL/Core. :)
Sorry don't know about /command...