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[REBOL] Re: Running CGI-Script from outside CGI-BIN?

From: doug:vos:eds at: 7-Feb-2001 14:18

In some cases I run IIS under NT, otherwise I run Apache under LINUX, unless of course I am running NSS under SOLARIS (which is the worst because then I have do run all cgi's inside /CGIWRAP/)... And I understand it is all about permissions... normally I do a >> chmod 775 filename.r But if I want a shorter URL that hides the CGI-BIN (or the CGI-WRAP) with maybe a re-direct or faking it out with hiding the re-direct in an image? Any ideas.... actually I don't want to do something that would be insecure. I want it to be secure, but hide the lengthly CGI-BIN url... OK?