[REBOL] Re: face-flags? error with FX5-Menu Style
From: antonr:iinet:au at: 14-Apr-2003 4:09
I think just this one change should fix it:
In the file fx5-menu.r, add a line to this function
view-menu: func [face /local tmp] [
append face/parent-face/parent-face/pane menu: make system/words/face [
dirty?: yes
flags: [on-unfocus] ;; <<<-----
Because the new system/view/screen-face/feel
uses 'flag-face? we need to ensure that the
new menu has face/flags set to [on-unfocus].
Every time the menu is activated view-menu is
called. You can see that it builds the menu face
based on a fresh face (system/words/face).
Anton Rolls.