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[REBOL] Re: Recursive-Read question

From: chris:ross-gill at: 6-Nov-2002 9:41

Hi Bryan,
> The format would be > <folder> > <file/> > <file/> > <folder> > <file/> > <file/> > </folder> > </folder>
[spaces added] The function below will create the hierarchy as desired. Usage: write %file-list.xml recurse-xml %folder/ I've used a value local to the function 'xml, and I'm not sure if that's the right approach. The function and xml could also be wrapped in an object - ctx-xmldir: context [ xml: "" set 'recurse-xml func [...][...] ] - Chris -- REBOL [] use [xml][ recurse-xml: func [ { Creates an XML string listing all files and sub-directories of provided folder. } dir [file! url!] "The base-level directory (works for ftp too!)" /sub "For recursive use, do not set." /indent ind [string!] "Indent (used internally)" /local files [block!] ][ dir: dirize dir if not indent [ind: copy ""] if not sub [ xml: copy {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>} repend xml [newline build-tag reduce ['files 'path dir]] ] files: sort read dir foreach file files [ either dir? join dir file [ repend xml [ newline ind build-tag reduce [ 'folder 'name file 'path dir 'modified modified? join dir file ] ] recurse-xml/sub/indent join dir file append copy ind " " repend xml [newline ind </folder>] ][ repend xml [ newline ind build-tag reduce [ 'file 'name file 'path dir 'modified modified? join dir file 'size size? join dir file to-word "/" ] ] ] ] if not sub [return repend xml [newline </files>]] ] ]