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[REBOL] Cerebrus update

From: gchiu:compkarori at: 21-Feb-2003 15:04

Patches to version 1.2.5 are now up. Cerebrus will now not start up if another instance is already started. This may solve the problem for those who got into a loop downloading new patches. HTML comments are now stripped out in non multipart email ( they were already being stripped out in multipart base64 encoded html email etc ). And some statistics on the spam that I have received since November 2002. This is a breakdown of the ways Cerebrus has caught spam: No To Address: 28 No DNS: 126 Spamserver: 126 Forged Hotmail: 150 Content: 275 Bayes: 280 Forged Headers: 381 Spamcop: 420 Banned: 438 Header: 517 Subject: 997 Spamtrap: 1048 NoSubject: 4 Total spam 4790 since 1st November 2002 ( 42.8/day ) False -ves ( 1/week ) 16/4790 is .3% False +ves ( 1/fn ) 8/4790 is .15% Detection Rate is 99.7% the false -ves/+ves are not entirely accurate as I haven't kept figures, but this is my impression. False positives for me may be even less. I relaxed the criteria for what constitutes a forged email earlier this month, and this may lead to an increase in false negatives, and also fixed some bugs which may lead to a decrease in false positives. I am interested in stopping false positives as they constitute a type of programming error. If someone is experiencing a high rate, please let me know and I'll try and see why. -- Graham Chiu