[REBOL] Re: optimization?
From: Tom::Conlin::gmail::com at: 28-Sep-2007 23:00
Kai Peters wrote:
> I have a strong feeling that my code below can be significantly
> shortened and optimized - any suggestions?
> TIA,
> Kai
> Create a block containing the days of the week for an entire month
> based on a given date.
> Disregard the missing leapyear handling - none of us will be around to see
> it screw up!
> Input: 2007-02-14
> Output: [ "Thu" "Fri" ...... ]
> curdate: 2007-02-14
> ;
> days-per-month: [ 31 28 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ]
> weekdays: [ "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun" ]
> m: curdate/month
> maxday: days-per-month/:m
> days: copy []
> for day 1 maxday 1 [ tdate: to-date rejoin [ curdate/year "-"
> curdate/month "-" day ]
> wd: tdate/weekday
> wd: weekdays/:wd
> append days wd
> ]
> probe days
it will miss the leap day in feb when the year is divisible by four
but the error does not propagate
monthdays: func [ cal [date!] /local month-end weekday result
month-end: [30 27 30 29 30 29 30 30 29 30 29 30]
weekday: make block! 8
foreach wd system/locale/days[insert tail weekday copy/part wd 3]
insert tail weekday first weekday
result: make block! 35
cal: to date! reduce[cal/1 cal/2 1]
insert/only result weekday/(cal/weekday)
loop month-end/(cal/2)[
insert/only tail result select weekday last result