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[REBOL] [plugin]

From: maximo::meteorstudios::com at: 3-Mar-2004 20:31

hi everyone... is it just me, or does the plugin seem to be something larger than just a browser thing, when you read the text on the page? the professional packages sounds a lot like rebol AS a dll... This is a long shot, but: in-the-box solution packages, full strength encryption, external interfaces, and debugging methods. Substantial discounts will be made available to existing REBOL/SDK and REBOL/Command customers. seems to pull away from the "browser" plugin concept a little... I do NOT want to start rumors... I am just wondering if this new version of rebol which IS NOT a standalone executable means that RT will finally be able to create a true standalone DLL (or .dso) which one can link to and interpret strings of rebol code WITHIN other apps for macro-like purposes. I certainly hope so... btw, when the plugin fails because of proxy settings, the window's title is something like "rebol DLL"... these are exciting times: -VID 1.3 on the horizon -a REAL brower plugin -RT chatting with the community for vid 1.3 all things we where openly ranting about last year... now we just need to be able to plug binary code into rebol which has access to rebol's data in a binary fashion and rebol will be completely open (and gain tremendous speed increases for specific real world tasks, like python). cheers! -MAx --- You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being part of the problem is much more fun.