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[REBOL] Re: What's native?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 22-Jun-2004 6:26

Carl Read wrote:
>>From here... > > > >"When Java applications are constructed with Eclipse's Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and deployed to different operating platforms, they adopt native window manager look and feel. On Linux Motif or the GTK, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Photon, AIX, HP/UX platforms, and other supported platforms, Eclipse users can develop applications in Java with the true look-and-feel of the platform." > >One of the complaints I receive about REBOL is it doesn't adopt the look-and-feel of the OS it's running on, though if it did, my complaint would be the program I'm using isn't consistant across platforms. So, I've come to believe the user should be given a choice in the matter, and ideally for each program they run. >
One of the mistakes imo is to bring native look onto Rebol apps. I yet have to see some user reaction telling me my utils use different UI. My users easily recognise that "R" icon thing, they read it strangerly - Rebul :-), but it is recognised here. So - I think that look does not matter that much, but what does matter though is widget behavior. If our combo, tree lists, or other elements are behaving differently, then we've got a problem. That is why with 1.3 project, we discussed even focusing system. I would like RT taking no further excuses of compatibility for keyboard support - no key-up event, no Alt key support, no ctrl + tab support - pretty essential to those who are used to use keyboard - I have got complaints already. The worst thing is - you can't do anything about it, as View kernel simply does not support that.
>Skins written in View offer a way to achieve this, though they'll always be playing catchup as the various platforms' native GUIs get improved, or completly re-written. This'll need to be attempted though, if REBOL is ever to catch on in a reasonably big way. >
Yes, if you will play a catch-up game, then it may be difficult. I prefer Rebol look being slightly different and with web becoming native part of our life, it will become less and less problem for users. -pekr-