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[REBOL] htdocs in Cheyenne ?

From: jasonic::nomadics::org at: 14-Sep-2007 20:22

Need a little help please to get ACMS [Anabelle] running on Cheyenne... Readme.txt for acms says: INSTALLATION 1. Set up an Apache webserver for a domain (Do NOT overwrite any existing one. This is far from complete) 2. Unzip on a folder prior to the web-folder of the website. Point the htdocs folder to the "root" of the website. The Cgi-bin folder within htdocs should be able to handle CGI programs. Set permissions to execute both on the cgi-bin folder and the .cgi files within 3. Change the settings in htdocs/cgi-bin/acms.cgi. Look for "CONFIG BELOW" and "CONFIG ABOVE" lines in that file and change as per your installation 4. No fourth step So can anyone tell me please how to do step #2 with Cheyenne ? - What is equivalent of Apache htdocs in Cheyenne? - How to "Point the htdocs folder to the 'root' of the website." ? thanks very much Jason