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[REBOL] Re: List trouble(VID style)

From: robert:lancaster:opennw at: 29-May-2001 13:03

I prefer to use LIST with SUPPLY. As it seems to update automatically when things are added to the list beign displayed. (providing you call show once its updated... Run the following in a file and click on "Add DOS" or "Add Serial". To see things being added... REBOL [ ] print "Starting" default_dos: make object! [ type: 'Dos name: copy "Blank Dos" dos_command: copy "" output: copy "" run: does [ catch [ try [ call/output dos_command output ] ] ] edit: does [ inform layout [ h2 "Dos Command" across text black "Name " field name [ name: copy face/text ] text black "Command" field dos_command [ dos_command: copy face/text ] return output_field: field 200x200 output [ ] return button "Execute" [ run output_field/text: copy output show output_field ] ] ] ] default_serial: make object! [ type: 'Rebol name: copy "Blank Rebol" command: copy " ; Comment " output: copy "" run: does [ catch [ try [ output: to-string do command if equal? output none [ output: "No Output" ] ] ] ] edit: does [ inform layout [ across h2 "Rebol Command" return text black "Name " field name [ name: copy face/text ] return text black "Command" field command [ command: copy face/text ] return output_field: field 200x200 [ ] return button "Execute" [ run output_field/text: copy output show output_field ] ] ] ] command_list: copy [] command_offset: 0 master: layout [ below l: list 200x100 [ across b: text 100x20 [ face/data/run if not equal? output none [ ; Don't update the output field if nothing exists in the ; field if the object output/text: copy face/data/output ] show output ][ face/data/edit show master ] t: text 100x20 ] supply [ temp-offset: add command_offset count if temp-offset > length? command_list [ b/show?: false t/show?: false break ] b/text: reduce [ to-string command_list/:temp-offset/name ] b/data: command_list/:temp-offset b/show?: true either equal? none in command_list/:temp-offset 'type [ ;If "type" does not exist in the object t/show?: false ][ ;If there exists a type value in the object display it t/text: copy to-string command_list/:temp-offset/type t/show?: true ] ] return list_slide: slider 20x100 [ command_offset: to-integer multiply face/data length? command_list if greater? add command_offset length? command_list add length? command_list 5 [ command_offset: subtract length? command_list 5 ] show l ] return button "Shrink" [ either equal? face/data TRUE [ face/data: FALSE output/size: 50x50 ][ face/data: TRUE output/size: 400x400 ] output_slider_y/size: make pair! reduce [ 20 pick output/size 1 ] show output_slider_y show master ] add_dos: button "Add Dos" [ temp: make default_dos [] insert command_list temp show master ] add_serial: button "Add Serial" [ insert command_list make default_serial [] show master ] return button "Save List" [ save %save_list.r command_list show master ] button "Load List" [ command_list: reduce load %save_list.r print command_list show master ] below return across output: field 400x400 output_slider_y: slider [ make pair! reduce [ pick output/size 2 400 ] ] [ output/para/scroll: make pair! reduce [ 0 to-integer multiply face/data subtract pick output/size 2 pick size-text output 2 ] show output ] return output_slider_x: slider does [ make pair! reduce [ pick output/size 1 20 ] ] [ output/para/scroll: make pair! reduce [ to-integer multiply face/data subtract pick output/size 1 pick size-text output 1 0 ] output_slider_x/size: make pair! reduce [ pick output/size 1 20 ] show output ] ] view master