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From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Dec-2001 15:19

Gabriele, Romano, et al What you posted, Gabriele, is exactly what I ran into. << This is known. However, an important note is that protect is not a security feature. It does not stop amnything from doing an UNPROTECT. It is meant as a tool to help prevent scripts from overwriting system critical functions or data. >> I don't want it for "security" purposes, but rather to catch me when I inadvertantly attempt to change something that shouldn't be changed. E.g. if I build a math library, and include the constant value of e: 2.71828182845905, I don't want anyone (including me) to change that value accidentally. Maybe it's my background, but one of the most confusing things for me with REBOL objects is the lack of distinction between public and private elements. For example, examining the View/VID source (sans comments of course as it is dumped) and trying to figure out what you might need to access (slider values being a prime example) and what you absolutely *shouldn't* touch. Hopefully the rumored support for modules will help in this regard. --Gregg