Documention for: rfc-parser.r Created by: brett on: 6-Mar-2013 Format: text/editable Downloaded on: 18-Apr-2024 IETF RFC PARSER ===What is this all about? Parse IETF RFC Text Documents to extract ABNF rules. There is more documentation within the comments of the script. ===How do you use the functions? *The script starts by calling a function I have set in my REBOL environment called SCRIPT-MANAGER. Here's a simplified stand-in for that function you can use - just put it in your calling script: if not value? 'script-manager [ script-manager: func ['word /local needs][ if any [ :word <> 'do-needs none? in system/script/header 'needs none? needs: system/script/header/needs ][return] if not parse needs: compose [(:needs)] [some file!][make error! {Expected a NEEDS block consisting of file!.}] foreach [file] needs [do file] ] ] *You will need each of the scripts listed in the NEEDS block in the same directory. ===About the script author Brett Handley started programming REBOL early 2000 and maintains a site of REBOL information and scripts at: =url