This library script shows how REBOL can be used to support mail-merge.
It requires modification and setup before it is useable.
In today's spam filled Internet, this type of bulk mailer is NOT recommended.
Please be able to justify bulk mailing before attempting to use this script.
This script requires support files and direct source code modification to be useful.
from-email: | Specify who sent the email |
reply-emai: | Specify the return address |
subj: | Specify the Subject line of the email |
org: | Specify the Organization header line of the email |
You will need to place %blast.r, and the supporting %letter.txt and %names.txt files in a local directory. For example %blastdir.
Note, the command examples below assume;
$ mkdir blastdir $ cp ../library/scripts/blast.r ../blastdir/ $ rebol >>change-dir %blastdir >>editor %blast.r >>editor %letter.txt >>editor %names.txt >>do %blast.rThe script will create a log file listing each email sent, in a file that includes the date and hour in it's name, in the default directory.
This script is of no use when executed directly out of the library. Unless you happen to be, highly unlikely.