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world-name: r3wp

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Robert: here is a proposition for presenting View + VID + REBOL coding:

1) Show this code on a slide, explain briefly what it does and run 

view layout [
	code: area 300x200
	btn "Run" [view/new layout load code/text]

2) Enter some VID code in the textarea, click Run and listen to the 
"wow" in the audience ;-)

You can type, for example:

text "Name:" f: field
btn "Say" [alert join "Hello " f/text]
Steeve - and where's your REBOL clone? Nowadays it seems all REBOL 
gurus are coming with one. Should I expect Ladislav and Cyphre enter 
the game? :-)
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
The solution is known as well - add enter for each 40 chars of the 
URL length :)
@  Reichart : We were discussing in the OPEN GL group about the default 
way AltMe permits to enter text - and we were 3 that think the default 
way to enter text would be the EDIT mode (the one that accepts Line 
feeds without submitting the post automatically. 

Would you be considering this option in a future release - even if 
I now realize that this is a global switch since when I submits new 
posts this mode is kept alive.

I didn't ask for others to vote for this change but you can do it 
if you want - I find it  really annopying - more than the obligation 
to commit messages by having to use the mouse each time. I know it's 
a productivity consideration but as I can't reedit my sent posts, 
sometimes they didn't look good - until I asked someone how to enter 

Thanks a lot for considering this request. 
Regards, Gerard
Pekr, how do I enter Rebol4 ?
Hi everybody, may I get a ticket to enter REBOL 4 world please. I 
don't want to miss out too much of the real discussions taking place 
... Thanks in advance. My REBOL 3 current email address is valid.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
The World Programming Language is about to enter open alpha release 

See: http://world-lang.org
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
If you read message, pressing enter continuously brings you next 
one in line ... other than that, this is not the topic. And even 
Carl asks, where the best discuss the Parse - blog, AltME, Chat?
pressing enter brings next message in a single group, until that 
group is at its end.. then you are at a loss in the new messages... 
which one did I see which ones did I miss?
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Like so:

1. create dir test/ in the doc root folder.
2. create empty file index.html in test/
3. try to display in browser: no go
4. insert char "a" in index.html
5. "a" is displayed in browser.
6. remove "a" again so index.html is empty
7."a" is still displayed in browser.

If I navigate away and then back to that page using the Back button, 
it still faithfully displays the "a".

If I directly enter the url for the index.html file, I get bounced 
back to the previous URL.
Methinks the Cheyenne world would be much better serviced using Cheyenne 
chat rather than this archaic, uneditable, uncustomizable, proprietary 
and  difficult to enter thing called Altme
Add this to the $(document).ready(function(){  ... } in chat to submit 
chats using the enter key;

			$("input").keypress(function (e) {
				if (e.which == 13 ) {
					   ws.send('m' + user + ': ' + $("[name=post]").val());
Updated version of Doc's chat example.. 
- Enter key support for login and posting chats
- Cookie mgmt for user name
- various "tweaks" to the JQuery 

chat2.html:  http://pastebin.com/m66a38d50
Good ... I guess ... I thought I had lost the ability to set a parameter. 
 If you are looking, I also had trouble with the worker-libs and 
had to enter absolute addresses to get them to work ... %/c/cheyenne/www/private/mysql-protocol.r
i'd be interested in looking into the sessions during runtime too.. 
can i do it on the cheyenne console by pressing escape?
You can access them in 3 different ways:

1) if run from sources, escape in the console, then enter: probe 
uniserve/services/httpd/mod-list/mod-rsp/sessions/queue. Type do-event 
when you want to resume Cheyenne.

2) run the %clients/rconsole.r from the source archive, you will 
have a remote console connected to your local Cheyenne process (try 
on prompt: netstat)

3) add this to the config file in globals section: persist [sessions]. 
When you want to look to the sessions, just stop Cheyenne process, 
a .rsp-sessions file is created holding the session objects.
Group: !CureCode ... web-based bugtracking tool [web-public]
If I input a search item, then to clear the search item I have to 
clear it, and hit enter to resubmit with a blank search field?
Group: !REBOL3 Schemes ... Implementors guide [web-public]
Small optimization:

Graham, if you try to connect to a host with an ip as a string, then 
a DNS lookup is performed even if it's useless.

On the other side, if you provide an ip as a tuple, no lookup is 
performed and it's a straight connection.

So as an example, when you enter in PASV mode (ftp proto) try this 

data-address: to-tuple to-block form copy/part tmp 4
Group: !REBOL3 GUI ... [web-public]
I have used such an approach in one of our apps.For example I have 
three tables, that depending on the app state, show different columns 
and data. So, when app state switches this will trigger the change 
of the tables.

And other example is changing the language just where you are. No 
need to re-enter the current GUI etc. There will be just a change-lang 
XY event send.
Why is DATA not shown if I just enter: window?
Graham: regarding the 'updating GUI from network protocol' question

I have found some older scripts I did and quickly added the progressbar 
to it so you should see how it works.
You can download it from here:

just run server and client on localhost and press enter in the client 
console to see how the server shows the progress of upload.
btw - back to my DOS app generator (Clipper + Zachary) :-) There 
was one other interesting feature. Let's say you have an invoice. 
And you have field to enter a company. That field is validated against 
customers table. There was a validation option named 'must-exist, 
may-not-exist. That way user could either enter new value, or only 
choose from existing values. But - the customer table was not probably 
a good example. 

And then - each grid/table had options too, called AED (Add, Edit, 
Delete), plus option, if you allow ADD option caused by validation. 
Example - you enter customer name - it is not found in customer table. 
If you allow 'Add option for grid, when user entered new customer 
name, and not found, it automatically popped-up a form, to enter 
new customer. If 'Add option was not allowed, then the person had 
to call someone, who had rights to enter the data directly into Customer 
table ... well, probably confusing description :-)
Not sure it would be usefull today, but would it be possible to have 
some validation per keypress? In the past I remember fields, which 
were defined as variable to get VTG = $("A", "B"), allowing to enter 
only A and B (for the floppy drive purpose :-)
Yes, and I think the grouping of the data in the code layout is the 
driving force there. The number tells you how many "groups" (H or 
V) and then you enter items so they are contextually related in the 
i will try to think this  more  i like the idea of  having a fast 
view uppon rebol script as a view boxed/noded in realation one to 
another. I like the idea of behing able to "enter" those box/nodes 
to adapt them enhance them or simply redefine them. I like the idea 
of sharing pre-sets box and having a synchronised / shared tool box 
.If i design a tool and make it available then in a short time that 
tool becomes part of the hudge collective tool box and then is shared 
to every one.
Dunno if it would be good concept (it might be confusing for user), 
but some time ago I was thinking about nested tab system. What I 
mean is - most of tabbing systems do work in a flat way. It is kind 
of primitive. But - sometimes you might want to use the same navigational 
keys for more complex styles, typically subpanels, grids.

What we recently got (and can be seen with e.g. style browser) is, 
that e.g. tab panel can be tabbed. Then arrow keys do switch between 
tabs. What I had in mind was to be able to press enter, to nest the 
tabbing, so that you "enter" the subpanel, and esc to escape back 
to the upper level (this part might be tricky for users, not sure 
about it - they might feel being locked inside of some style).

Any ideas?
Button can be focused. Small enhancement request - can we add enter 
reactor for the button? I would find it usefull being able to run 
the button action hitting enter :-) btw - panels-2 - can't focus 
any button after the script start. Only after I invoke first button 
press ... now R3 crashed big time :-)
Pekr, does it work with the spacebar? There could be a collision 
when using Enter, because it may be used to confirm the default button, 
which may not be the same one as the one in focus. That depends on 
keyboard shortcut layout, though.
Henrik - I just watched behaviour in Mozilla's Thunderbird, re button. 
There is 'default button in focus on particular page, so that enter 
works for that button. But - when tabbing, and IF the type is button, 
then default button is no more hilighted, and tabbed button is hilighted 
instead. When you tab away from the button, default button goes hilighted 
again. That way, both enter and space-bar works for actually hilighted 
button ...
The same goes for default Windows dialogs, and it is imo good behaviour. 
Simply put -enter stays as a default action for the form's default 
hilighted button, unless another button is tabbed. It unifies enter 
| space-bar behaviour for button types. If we stay with current behaviour, 
users might be confused, as enter will fire action on different button 
than the tabbed one. Of course it depends, and I would like to know, 
what is the functionality on non-Windows platform?
Or I have something wrong in the demo code, not yet fully adapted:

view-sub-panel: funct [
	set 'current-panel index
	set-face desc form pick test-notes index
	pan: pick test-panels index
	unless pan [

  pan: make-face 'vpanel [columns: 1 content: pick test-blocks index]
;		insert-panel-content pan pick test-blocks index
		poke test-panels index pan

	set-panel-content main-pan pan
;	switch-panel main-pan pan 'fly-right

view [
	title "R3 GUI Tests"
	text (reform ["R3 V" system/version "of" system/build])
	hgroup [

		; List of test sections:
		text-list test-sections do [view-sub-panel value main-pan desc]

		; Panel for showing test results:
		vgroup  [
			desc: text-area "Please read the instructions below."
			options [
				max-size: 2000x40
				text-style: 'bold

			main-pan: vpanel [
				text "test" ;doc instructions
			] options [columns: 1 init-size: 280x380]

			hgroup [
				button "Source" do [
					either current-panel [
						view-code trim/head mold/only pick test-blocks 
						request "Note:" "Pick a test first."
				button "Halt" leaf close halt
				button "Quit" maroon quit
				check "Debug"  do [guie/debug: if value [[all]]]
				check "Remind" guie/remind do [guie/remind: value]
;	when [enter] do [
;		if quick-start [
;			if spot: find test-sections quick-start [

;				view-sub-panel index? spot main-pan desc  ; for faster testing
;			]
;		]
;		;[request "Alert" instructions]
;	]
;[reactors: [[moved [save %win-xy.r face/gob/offset]]]]
is there a way to enter characters into a field ?  Like the DEL, 
and Backspace ?
Following few things:

- why is "custom" include needed? We should either user R3 native 
facilities, or include an include as a standard into R3 :-) (this 
is no real question, just a remark that if we find it usefull, then 
why notto make it part of R3?)

- RMA does not work with CureCode tickets. It would be good to either 
dismiss/close or resolve them? E.g. I find renaming of do-style and 
do-face to do-action, do-reaction a good tip to implement

- we should resolve the size of buttons vs scroller vs tabs. In Carl's 
GUI, button is 28 pixels tall, and it feels OK. Our's here is 22, 
I have no preference here, but could be those 28 pixels. Scroller 
is only 16pix - not acceptable imo. It should be of the size of the 
progress. Tabs are proportionally too tall.

- tabs should have line removed for actual tab. I suspect it might 
be more difficult to draw the container then.

- there seems to be someone at RMA liking Old aqua interface of MacOS. 
Tabs, buttons and scrollers are a good example ... of how to not 
do visuals anymore :-)

- area - enter few lines, go to bottom, and try to hilite the text 
by keyboard (shift plus arrow-up). It always hilites only actual 

- info areas, labes, etc., should prohibit display of caret, maybe 
allow hilighting, but allowing to have caret in "disabled" area is 
not looking nice

- text-table buttons are Excel filter inspired, but looking strange 
- some more thoughts needed
- select-an-option does not allow keyboard navigation

- text-list does not scroll, when navigated by keyboard, ditto text-table

- tabbing feels strange for text table. I alway said, that we need 
nested tabbing. I can imagine tab stopping on table, but next tab 
moving away, not actually going into tabbing in terms of the hilited 
widget. Enter should enter the more complex style, escape move away. 
That is not typical also at OS level, but then - everybody has it 
wrong :-)

- between the text-list and text-table, I have to press tab three 
times -visually I am not sure, "where" hilite disappears

- is text-table a compound style? What sense does it have to have 
buttons hilighted, not being able to enter the action? Why are not 
arrows tabbable? Table headers cells should be one style, not two.

- text-table is the weakest "grid" we ever had. Comparing to Cyphre's 
style pack, and rebgui grid. This is like 5% of functionality, not 
thought out style, useless for any serious data. I want to see the 
display of infiinte amount of data, proper caching.

- tab should be tabbable, ctrl-tab allowed to switch between the 

I find the styles/gui inconsistent. There should be someone defining 
the styles, their behaviour to keyboard navigation, tabbing, etc. 
So far it seems like style being put together with no deeper thought 
about the end result of the whole GUI.
I think the intention is to emulate the MacOSX tag field. You write 
in a "floating" text field and when pressing enter, it becomes a 
tag, which can be deleted or moved around. Deleting or moving doesn't 
work yet.
Ah, so you enter the text. Thanks
Group: !REBOL3 ... [web-public]
Let's say that the function you just wrote requires that the user 
enter the date with a time ....
Type "6739", press Enter, press J and the previous author is Graham.
Once again - you are imo wrong. R3 should not allow to enter any 
other than full binary padded format then!
Hmm, actually I still think that not considering #{8000} a concrete 
(32768) value is a bug and totally wrong assumption. It IS a concrete 
value, period. It is just that R3 allows me to enter it without the 
padded higher bytes. And hence - the concrete value should be computed 
internally accordingly. Easy as that ....
I really just start it, type help, get a bit wrong output, then I 
type help again, press enter,and R3 goes under ...
? ( some thing like a background application that would detect what 
hardware you have and use multi hardware CPUs GPUs to run those expensive 
task. Once again  what in rebol can be an very expensive task .... 
answer a state of art webbrowser rendering engine with flash silverlight 
support....  IF we can bring rebol to that state i think no one will 
look at it as a toy ... then the question is way doing a webbrowser 
in rebol ?  REply is because i love rebol :). But on a ground level 
if you want to enter in competition with the other languages and 
prove the interrest of the rebol method then you have to be able 
to do what the others can do )

This open CL adition can too benefits non graphical applications 
i don't know how but  why not saying look rbeol is not dead it's 
the futur and as the futur it provides the best way to use the futurs 
technology. And that's a field none of hte interpreted languages 
now in day have done ...
but  when you enter the graphical area it like a normalised dimension 
where any hardware produce the same rendering
But I won't enter any Kindergarten discussions that are not moving 
us forward or where some go nuts because we have clear red thread 
we follow and don't care to much what they think.
And those asserts are incredibly confusing...

Glad to know you are working on it.  Does this mean that I don't 
need to enter any of this in CureCode?
Cyphre - we are already reusing the console (I mean - Andreas, I 
just do some tests). We can even get czech chars displayed, byt typing 
czech chars firing enter quits R3 ...
From a quick glance at Cheyene's call.r, enabling /wait should be 
rather simple: don't enter the final UNTIL loop unless WAIT (or OUTPUT, 
or ERROR) is set.
Group: !REBOL3 Modules ... Get help with R3's module system [web-public]
There are certain advantages to writing user scripts for the front 
end code:

- The user context will be task-local, so a lot of the multitasking 
problems will go away.

- The user context is shared by all scripts running in the same task. 
It acts like a shared isolated context.

- User scripts have fewer settings in their headers. For that matter, 
they can have no header at all. Every command you enter into the 
command line is a separate script, for instance.
Group: Twitter ... Discussion related to Twitter APIs and such [web-public]
That is what I mean -- I'm confused by it. The Twitter developers 
site asks for Name, Description, Website, of the application.  Do 
I just enter dummy information here or am I createing another version 
of the same twitter app?  Just not sure what this is asking for.
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
probe load %/c/cheyenne/www/makework/data/wf001.txt
[make object! [
        id: 'wf001
        name: "Add Work"
        node-map: [make object! [
                id: 'SOURCE
                Description: "Add new software for Site"
                status: 'Complete
                Next-Node: 'A
                sub-tasks: "1. Used RFA to enter."
                When-completed: []
                Time: 60
                Notify: none
                status-url: func [] [

                    join http://localhost/makework/status.rsp?id=ID
                action-url: none
                mark-complete: func [] [
                    Status: 'Complete
            ] make object! [ ....
Group: !REBOL3 Source Control ... How to manage build process [web-public]
From the explorer extension, choose a folder into which you want 
to place the hostkit folder. Right click, tortoisegit, clone, enter 
http://github.com/rebolsource/r3-hostkit.gitas url.
Group: Red ... Red language group [web-public]
I tried to write a console input function (no one is available up 
to now AFAK).
This one works (for windows):
#import [
	"kernel32.dll" stdcall [
		ReadConsole: "ReadConsoleA" [
		  	handle		[integer!]
		  	buffer		[c-string!]
		  	len			[integer!]
		  	read		[struct! [value [integer!]]]
		  	reserved	[integer!]
		  	return:	[integer!]


stdin: GetStdHandle WIN_STD_INPUT_HANDLE
__read: struct [value [integer!]]

input: func [s [c-string!] return: [c-string!] /local in][
		;in: "" ; don't work
		in: allocate 255  ; must be freed after !
		prin s
		ReadConsole stdin in 255 __read 0
		a: __read/value - 1; because of the line return symbol \n
		in/a: #"^(00)" ; necessary to add it !

; usage :
res: input "enter a string : "
print res

my questions : 
- is this correct ?
- how and where de-allocate the c-string ?
- why the end-string symbol is not added automatically ?
Implemented activate action for FIELD and SECRET styles, so that 
they can respond to pressing the enter key
Group: Topaz ... The Topaz Language [web-public]
I'm away for lunch. I'll keep the hangout on (not sure if it is possible 
to re-enter it after everyone's out).
Group: World ... For discussion of World language [web-public]
I guess you will get it once you type TEST end enter.
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