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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Thanks, Gregg. Did you wait for the zip to be prepared? It takes 
the server around two minutes to create your archive of the latest 
That server was also donated
Thank's for the feedbacks, making a webservice-red-compiler is a 
nice idea, but I made it for lazy people like me to be able to compile 
Red scripts easily. 

Doc: red-lang.org is on a Cheyenne server or a normal hosting service?
Only some static resources are on Cheyenne server, the rest is hosted 
by Blogger (Google).
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
java version "1.7.0_21"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.21-b01, mixed mode)
It combines most of my bindings to create an alternative for a web 
browser. It's a graphical program that loads pages and apps written 
in Red from our web server and executes them
You mentioned the benchmarks running on Syllable Server.
Yes, that's why I thought 4.2.3. But I would have tried them on Syllable 
Workstation on top of Syllable Server
That's an unreleased GoboLinux-on-Syllable-Server FrankenLinux
I created an account on the red.esperconsultancy site hoping it would 
bring a little more possibilities in browsing up the tree. This was 
not the case. I am sure that it must be there somewhere but you have 
to know or have a link or own the server ;)

(@Peter, your last question is to Bo about his print-line statements 
I presume.)
Just generated APK, it downloaded some tools (not sure it is cross-platform, 
but on Windows it works), then I thought it hanged, but there was 
a dialog requesting ability to write to dics, then lots of output 
in console, now uploaded apk to my server, and tried on my HTC Sensation! 
Nice dark theme!
For out-of-support distros, the package sources move to a different 
OK, Doc will have to look if something is wrong with the script or 
with his server
The more sophisticated use is on Syllable Server, where I host our 
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
I wrote a Red binding on top of the Red/System binding for 0MQ:


I also wrote Red versions of the client/server request/reply example:

I added binaries for the 0MQ ventilator example to the test repository, 
so you can try it right away:


Like the client/server example, you can give program parameters to 
change the network URLs.
I upgraded the Fossil server for the Red bindings to the new version 
1.25. There are some nice new features in it:


They also have a new short introduction guide:

If you want to compile PicoGL, on Syllable Server or some other Linux 
system, you can use the Syllable build system. Here's the build recipe:

This work will be paid for by Respectech as part of an assignment 
I'm doing for them. As far as we know, this is the first commercial 
assignment done with Red.

I'm implementing a network server that needs to run for long periods 
and handle relatively large numbers of requests. This is tricky because 
Red has no garbage collector yet, and the memory allocator doesn't 
handle large series yet. We have been testing the memory system to 
scale it, and Doc has fixed an allocator bug so that series can now 
be twice as large. I've also found and reported seven other bugs 
so far.

The results are very encouraging. The memory system is reliable in 
my stress testing. It can use all the memory available in a machine 
for the contents of series. In the default configuration, one series 
can have a maximum content of 2 MB, or 131070 values for a block!. 
This can be enlarged, basically at will, by compiling your program 
with customised allocator settings.

To reduce the amount of memory that currently cannot be reclaimed 
by garbage collection, I am reducing the number of series generated 
during the handling of each server request. This can be done within 
the same Red program, because low level optimised Red/System code 
can be inserted anywhere. I am down to only a few hundred bytes per 
handled request, and the memory budget of the server is a GB, so 
the Red 0MQ server will be able to handle several million requests.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
maybe your svn server is down then ...
I've been rather dormant in many rebol spheres in the last months 
because I've been working a lot and most of it is commercial and 
private work, but I feel like its time for Rebolers to break out 
of their inferiority complex and show others that Rebol is better, 
more cutting edge than ever.  

And it still stays simple, overall, even in large projects.

I think the community has lost a bit of its resolve, and I am trying 
to make a point with the devcon.  Rebol has never gone away and its 
back on track.  

I think its up to everyone involved in public projects to promote 
this by actually playing on Its strengths.   I resisted the urge 
to build the site using public tools, and I think, Chris and I and 
building a super default framework just by catering to the needs 
of the devcon's web site.   Chris just added a news module to it 
(in one day).  we will show the site's internals at the devcon, showing 
how easy it really was to build up, using a centralized Git Repo 
to share the code and with the server, when ready for production.

Its ALL coded with REBOL.  at the devcon, we will look at packaging 
QM with cheyenne, Remark and making sure it all works with my web 
service API... with this l think the rebol community will have a 
pretty nice framework to rival RR and others.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Doc, I reported that problem before remember? we were agreed on the 

in task-master.r

line 135: if all [ uniserve/shared in uniserve/shared 'conf-file 
file: uniserve/shared/conf-file ][
	 append worker-args reform [" -cf" mold file] ]

and on line 123: all [ in uniserve/shared 'server-ports uniserve/shared/server-ports 

Endo: "without these patches latest UniServe cannot be used alone. 
because it fails to start task-master. Ofcourse I need to remove 
logger, MTA etc. services." - 19-Dec-2011 2:50:29
Dockimbel: "I agree about your changes." - 19-Dec-2011 2:50:56
the weather update server works just fine...
i need to be able to get rebol working with push-pull, so i can get 
apps running behind zed shaw's mongrel2 server

there's nothing better than rebol for parsing - and i want to keep 
using rebol
any help hugely appreciated!
yes - mongrel as a proxy is great, but i was thinking more in terms 
of zed's idea of a language agnostic web server
Thanks for the welcome back message.

 I left off asking about the mySQL driver. So I want to insert into 
 a database a random number the code already generated and associate 
 it with an email address that was provided by a CGI form. Have yet 
 to create this in the real world but for now let us assume I will 
 call the database "customers". The people who process the credit 
 card and collect the email address advised me that the address will 
 be labelled "trnEmailAddress".

 After finding the mySQL driver Here is what I figured out using placeholders 
 for things like password, etc. Would appreicate knowing if this is 

; Loads MySQL driver
do %mysql-driver/mysql-protocol.r
; Opens connection to MySQL server
db: open mysql://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/database

; Send query to database server. Enters random number from above. 
customers is probably the name of the database I will create

insert db ["INSERT INTO customers VALUES (?,?)" "trnEmailAddress" 

 Next I need to insert an existing PDF file (an e-book) into a directory 
 created by the script. The directory will be named after a random 
 number that was earlier generated by the script. I am astounded that 
 I can not find the command to copy a file. So the variable assigned 
 to this random number is called "token".

 So I have the following.

make-dir %token/

 How do I copy a file into this new directory? Also, is that the corecct 
 way to make a directory?
Thanks BrianH. I am aware of the need to "keep your untrustworthy 
data that you can't safely DO separate from that code."

I am creating a small Rebol server capable of communicating with 
clients, using RSA key exchange and the blowfish algorithm, both 
of which work to reasonably high encryption levels in Rebol, 4096 
for RSA and 512 for Blowfish (yes I know the effective upper limit 
for Blowfish is 448 bits, but that is good enough for my purposes).

I want to save the RSA key as a block so it can be loaded back into 
the program and used again, hence my question. It will be encrypted, 
wherever it gets saved, so there will be no chance of it being messed 

Actually, I am writing a much simpler version of Rebol Services, 
since I could not get that to work and my ability to code in Rebol 
was not sufficiently developed yet to see how to get it working.

I am in a steep learning curve right now with Rebol and the time 
I am investing is starting to pay off. Thanks for the information 
about keeping code and data separate. It's always good to be reminded 
of 'obvious' truths.
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
With parameterized queries (even in REBOL) the SQL and the parameters 
are sent separately and combined in the server. The query plan is 
generated only once per query, with the parameter placeholders being 
in the plan. Then the actual parameters are plugged into the plan. 
The next time the parameterized query is called (maybe with differe3nt 
parameter values) the same plan is used and the new parameter values 
are plugged in.
isn't this execution optimation?. in this case a stored procedure 
will help also. how will this prevent from sql injection? compared 
to a concatenated server side sql string?
If you build a query dynamically with rejoin or something, the query 
is put together client side and then the server has to generate a 
new query plan for each distinct set of parameter values. This takes 
time and blows the query plan cache, which slows down the whole query 
The problem is that your ad-hoc parameter screening is usually not 
perfect. Parameterized queries don't build a query in the server, 
they just plug in the values to an already-compiled query (the "query 
plan"). The server doesn't have to do any parameter screening other 
than for malformed values in the protocol.
Group: #Red Docs ... How should Red be documented [web-public]
I think a wiki like Wikibooks could be a good start, but I would 
like to use makedoc format. I know that the R3 wiki has been adapted 
to accept makedoc format as input, how could we do the same for Wikibooks? 
Is it possible to export all wikibook content to a parse-able format? 
I don't want to be trapped in a given tool, I want to be free to 
retarget docs to whatever format/tool we find appropriate in the 

If wikibooks is not the best tool for the job, we might want to install 
a copy of R3 wiki on another server.

The only issue I have with wikis is that we need someone in charge 
there, reviewing every single change and filtering them when needed. 
Without someone fulfilling that role, it will quickly become a big 
For now, I would just link the docs from red-lang.org and host them 
on static.red-lang.org which points to my own server.

In a few months, when bootstrapped Red will be complete, I would 
like to move all to a new, more appealing web site. I might use a 
github repo for managing the static parts of the web site. I would 
also move the blog to WordPress or anything else than Blogger.
GitHub Pages also serves up static html/css/js. Still, if you couldn't 
use any server-side scripting, you'd need to pre-generate the html 
and I guess you wouldn't want to do that.
Pre-generated HTML: I certainly do want that. I have already a static 
server, so I don't need GitHub Pages so far.
Gregg: documenting the API (the Red words) is the easy part. The 
content could (should?) be extracted from the docstrings in boot.red 
(I haven't add any so far, contributions are welcome).

The level of info displayed by the clojuredocs quickref is fine to 
me, I have used similar approach in the past for documenting the 

Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
The design cycle was so much faster because we developed the server 
side in Net Logo (derivative of Logo for modeling complex systems). 
 Net Logo is like a poor man's REBOL, limited but we were able to 
do some pretty cool stuff.  We could often make changes to the code 
between classes.  Net Logo allows changes while the model is running.
We can deal with the iOS download issue if we could just have R3 
to write the code.  Still using Net Logo on the server side.
We are also venturing into the world of putting a class set of Robots 
on a classroom network.  We are writing C code and Ch code for that. 
 Screaming for R3.  Initially we need a websocket connection to Net 
Logo.  After that we can write the server in R3.
Still should be an extension though, since not everyone is running 
R3 on a server. And definitely if it is limited to server platforms, 
or any platform limits.
since this is the trace

HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Host: www.rebol.com
User-Agent: REBOL

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:03:18 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:02:21 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: text/html
Via: 1.1 BC5-ACLD
Content-Length: 7407
Connection: close
>> write http://www.rebol.com/index.html[ HEAD ]
make object! [
    name: none
    size: none
    date: none
    type: 'file
    response-line: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
    response-parsed: none
    headers: make object! [
        Content-Length: "7407"
        Transfer-Encoding: none
        Last-Modified: "Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:02:21 GMT"
        Date: "Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:24:53 GMT"
        Server: "Apache"
        Accept-Ranges: "bytes"
        Content-Type: "text/html"
        Via: "1.1 BC5-ACLD"
        Connection: "close"
Hmm.  Will this fail if your locale is not english, and the web server 
is giving dates in enlish?
(so for example we can later implement also the certificate handling 
and TLS server mode)
Actually, it's sending a message to that server to which it is replying, 
but let's not quibble. We have other functions to get the head if 
you prefer.
Livecode is a great tool - the values remind me a low  of what made 
REBOL attractive years ago.  It's just a really productive and well 
designed tool, easy to use, powerful, cross platform (iOS, Android, 
Windows, Mac, Linux, server), it's SIMPLE and geared towards getting 
work accomplished.  That's it's only goal, and the company has always 
tried to make good real-world choices about productivity.  And they're 
keeping the system modern and relevent.  The REBOL community would 
be helped by watching what they do...
My smtp server was throwing a 501 5.0.0 Invalid domain name
More prot-send.r testing.  Had the hardest time trying to get 'send 
to work with my mail server.  Found I had to change a line in prot-send.r 
to :

 smtp-port: [ scheme: 'smtp host: (user/smtp) user: (user/user) pass: 
 (user/pass) ehlo: (find/tail user/email 
) timeout: 600 ]

as EHLO on my SMTP host was expecting only the domain portion of 
the email address instead of the entire email address which is what 
I had been trying.
Hmmm...interesting behavior.  I am trying to use R3 to act as a TCP 
server on Linux-ARM.  Here's a code snippet:

	if probe port? prt: wait [1 camsrv][
		probe cmd: copy prt
		call/wait reform [cmd "> cmdout.txt"]
		insert prt probe read cmdout.txt
		close prt

The probe at the top returns 'false when there is no TCP activity, 
but it returns "TCP-event accept" when there is, and then it just 
sits there.  Escape (ESC) and CTRL-C will not break out of R3 at 
that point.  CTRL-C just outputs "[escape]" each time it is pressed, 
but doesn't escape.
Gab and Andreas: Thanks for your feedback!  I'd never done server 
programming with R3 and I forgot it was asynch by default.
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
I would want R3 on Android with GUI, GPS, Camera support. And R3 
64 bit Linux server side ("Core").

world-name: r3wp

Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
Mike, I'd rather wait until the volunteer who is doing the RSS has 
added the code, rather than bypass their efforts.

Meanwhile, you have several ways of finding out what  scripts are 
new or changed on REBOL.org:
-- we'll sen doyu a tailored email

    See Section 4, Notices
-- you can peek at your unsent notices to get advanced warning:

-- You can use the LDS API:
       do http://www.rebol.org/library/public/lds-local.r

      probe lds/send-server 'list-updated-scripts [5]   ;; what's changed 
      in the last 5 days?
-- Just eyeball the script library home page:
Graham in the All group asked:

<<Is it not true though that you are limited in what you can do with 
rebol.org ? >>
Yes and no.

It's a shared server with the usual sort of quote limits, so that 
stops some of the wilder plans.

On the other hand, the limits are fairly generous. Right now, we 
do these sorts of numbers:
* 150,000 CGI executions per month
* 2.5 gigabytes of data served per month

* 70 megabytes of hard disk used (mainly for the Mailing List archive)

Of course some sort of bandwidth quota would exist with a dedicated 
server too -- that one comes from the ISP, not the box.

We've had the same problem most of us have had with servers at one 
time or another: REBOL going feral and failing to close tasks. That 
brought down the server once, and got us suspended for about 30 minutes 
until I beseeched forgiveness. Of course, that could happen with 
a dedicated server (no one quite knows why it happens).

Similarly, we get some leak-through from what are supposed to be 
the chinese walls; and that has caused the odd problem: mainly file 
permissions going askew.

As Peter said, the main limitation is manpower. There are several 
things under development at rebol.org right now; there is room for 
many other improvement projects too.
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
just found out that mod_gzip, mod_gunzip, mod_bunzip2 (any of this) 
is not a default module with RHEL .

I would have thought that this will be a useful module for any server 
to have.
I added forever loop at the tail of the script so it's working now 
(as a server) but rebol stops when I exit the shell:(
I would like to start a server
...and the server is down
Does anybody know (use!) Virtuozzo ?
It's a virtualisation server application.

I wonder if buying an hosting on this kind is a good solution to 
host Rebol CGI apps.
I'm currently trying to filter IP addresses that try to log into 
my SSH server. For this I use a tool "swatch" and "iptables" to filter 
Actually I'm playing with festival on linux  ;) REBOL festival Client 
 with visual interface to feed the festival software running in server 
mode only take 10 lines  I love REBOL :))). So now on linux I can 
make my Computer speech me  the Carl's blog content while I'm in 
the mean time reading the French forum new posts ;)
I need to prepare some installation instructions for our polish partner. 
I will do some scripts to access mySQL on their server, using rebol, 
but I will not have access to the site. So I want to be well prepared, 
so they don't get annoyed after writing them tens of times "try that, 
try this" etc. :-)
when i upload things, i use a builder-script which takes my local 
installation and replaces some things, like the shebang. then i copy 
that result to the server. you could make a config-script, 
 exe: %/usr/local/bin/rebol
 data: %/svr/www/my-dir/
let them adjust that and run the builder.

Also it makes sense to not hard-wire most pathes, but put them in 
a config too and load them at runtime. but does not work with the 
shebang, it must be hardcoded in the script.
Ok, I need some advice from you Linux gurus out there: I'm running 
my xpeers server on an old RH 7.3 installation with EXT3 filesystem. 
The server is running in a data-center, so only remote access via 

1. Does it make sense to update the kernel / system? If, how can 
I do this remote?

2. I think with xpeers ReiserFS might be a better choice because 
I have thousands of small files on my system, that needs to be handled. 
How can I update the filesystem?
it can be done (with a *lot* of effort), but it's too risky. it's 
much easier to rent a new server with reiser and move the data.
maybe you can do it by adding a new hd to the server. still a non-trivial 
task though, and i would try it on a local machine at least twice 
before attempting on a remote machine. :)
robert,  I would ask your hosting company if they can give you access 
to the terminal server  (so that you ssh there and then you can reboot 
and see boot messages as if you were on a local terminal - note you 
might have to configure the server first
if you have access to the terminal server I can send you info on 
how to configure it so that you get the boot messages
Ok, thanks for the comments. What's this terminal-server stuff? Is 
this a special console I connect too?
the terminal server is used by the hosting company to access multiple 
servers consoles without having physical consoles. When they reboot 
a machine the can get the bios boot messages because there is a console 
cable to the terminal server and they normally access the terminal 
server via ssh
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
well, but katalog.aspx is on different server ...
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
on server it should not be a problem
and your example: The server at atom.thruhere.net is taking too long 
to respond.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
and please - don't compare mac-mini with barebones - they are full 
featured multimedia stations, including ability to be server by remote 
control only, via display .... look at Shuttle or MSI ones ...
what about running a web server ?
it runs server things nicely. apache is built in and can be started 
with a click of a button
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
[uniserve] Async Protocol FastCGI loaded
[uniserve] Starting task-master...

## Error in [uniserve] : Cannot open server task-master on port 9799 
[uniserve] Starting HTTPd...
## Error in [uniserve] : Cannot open server HTTPd on port 80 !

is all I get...
I would not use view for server
Maxim: I plan to support SSL natively in REBOL. I'm waiting for Carl 
to send me a test version of /Command with server-side SSL enabled. 
In the meantime, I recommand using a SSL proxy rather that Apache. 
See STunnel for example.
Scot: Cheyenne can interface with PHP using FactCGI. A FastCGI client 
alpha implementation is currently built in Cheyenne. All you need 
is a php executable compiled with FastCGI. I've already tested several 
php apps (even big ones like eGroupware), it works well and it's 
fast ! But, the configuration options are currently hardcoded in 
Cheyenne (need to export them in config file) and there's no dynamic 
php instance management (you have to launch each php-fastcgi server 
by hand). Once these 2 feature will be integrated in Cheyenne, you'll 
be able to run easily and php application.
Oldes: View can be a good choice for server is you need server-side 
dynamic image generation or manipulation. The drawback is for Unix 
servers, they'll require X libs to be installed.
Pekr: The protocol is not specific to Cheyenne, but you'll have to 
"extract" it from the module to be able to reuse it. But, we're talking 
about a FastCGI CLIENT implementation, and what you have in mind, 
I guess, is a SERVER implementation (like in /Command)...
It connect to a server application, like php-fastcgi or a REBOL FastCGI 
server built with /Command, or any other server accepting FastCGI 
clients. Then it sends the HTTP request and wait for a response back.
Marteen: Carl told me about some flags to set properly in the ssl:// 
port to set the direction : server to client.
No, it's a client implementation of my own (/Command implements a 
server-side FastCGI protocol)
hum... there is one thing I am not sure I get, what do you mean by 
"server-side" (do you imply your's is not, and if so what does that 
really mean?)
Can you make the session storage server a RebService, called from 
the various processes that need to read/write the data? That overhead 
might be less than the SQL overhead.
I'd love if there were an LNS implementation built on UniServe. This 
would let you turn Cheyenne into a general purpose app server.
Does Cheyenne have an option to limit which network adapters it will 
serve to? For example, I have 5 adapters on this computer (ethernet, 
wireless, 2 VMware, Hamachi), maybe 6 counting localhost, and I would 
like the web server to only be visible to the virtual adapters, not 
even opening a port on the physical ones.

I remember this being difficult in REBOL, that REBOL would always 
open server ports on all available adapters, so you would have to 
inspect the incoming connections and filter. Have you come up with 
a better workaround for this, or a way to do it properly?
Doc,  I appreciate your time / work on this.  Just so I understand.... 
are you saying that the solution you would implement would only run 
on a Win machine and that solutions that run on other machines are 
not feasible  ... because they are basically cumbersome and unreliable? 
 e.g. http://drupal.org/node/44718And are schemes like NTLM Authorization 
Proxy Server unworkable?  refer http://www.geocities.com/rozmanov/ntlm/
    I can't see using Cheyenne in a work environment  unless it supports 
we need to wait for RT to enable server side ssl
Terry: REBOL already supports SSL, it just a matter of knowing which 
flag to set to switch to server-side SSL. Btw, if anyone can get 
the info from Carl, that would be great ! (Pekr, you're kind of good 
at extracting info from ppl ;-))
I want to set up a cheyenne web server that is secure.. ie. protected 
by ssl.
this web server is for local intranet .. but sometimes allow users 
to browse from outside via ssl.
which also means I could grant untrusted users temporary access to 
the web server.
graham, you can put an apache server which only accepts the ssl connections 
with reverse proxy setup which redirects the uncrypted ssl traffic 
to/from the cheyenne server. it works well.
I did so for my own server, which is an http web service:
you install and setup an apache server which has ssl, reverse proxy, 
and redirection modules enabled.
then you accept the connections from the ssl port (apache silently 
handles the decryption) and redirect all traffic to your cheyenne 
It's a command-line tool acting as a SSL daemon frontend for any 
server requiring SSL decryption.
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