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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
Alan - THanks, but I have the same version. I thought there was a 
more recent one.
	Title: "Slideshow Presenter"
	Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
	Version: 1.2.0
	Date: 14-Dec-2001
I've figured out part of what's going on with the calendar - got 
it down to a single line of draw dialect that's causing Rebol to 
segfault, both on the most recent Windows and Linux versions:

view layout [box 120x70 effect [draw [pen red white polygon 0x0 119x0 
119x69 0x69]]]

Something changed between View versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 that's causing 
this...  It was working fine with 1.3.1
Just stopping by to say hello.  Yes, it's been a while. Sorry about 
that.  R3 has had me far out to sea - especially the Unicode changes 
of recent.
Do keep in mind, recent copies of Excel "are" simply XML.
This is very cool news ... I'll crank up wine again on an a40.exe 
to see ... time to catch up with recent developments again.
I think it is Ladislav, who understands the meaning of the group 
differently. I definitely translate is - post messages you want Carl 
to read. So - in recent situation, when Carl reappeared and is hopefully 
considering next steps, talk about the arguments for open-sourcing 
R3 is pretty much valid in mybook ...
- name of the group does not explain anything at all imo

- I can see no Carl's original posting, my first message is from 
4/Jan/2004, from Shadwolf. Then Anton, "none", Reviewer and me guessing, 
if it is "from" Carl, or "to" Carl, which in itself clearly shows, 
than more than one person had problem understanding original purpose 
of the group
- Sunanda's explanation is just that -  his opinion
- there is no etc. :-)

-  I am not accusing anyone from anything :-) I know it helps from 
time to time, to keep groups being on-topic, and I can understand 
that in the case of Saphirion, but as for me, recent  Carl only's 
post are far less off topic than some prior discussions in that group.

For god's or anyone sake, it will be best for me to create pekr-only 
group, giving anyone any persmission to post anything :-)
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
on a completely other note, I'd really like for rebol to adopt IM 
protocols.  did you know that a recent survey here showed that only 
30% of teens use e-mail?
Gabriele - so what is "tasking" in R3 going to be under the hood? 
There were various things said - 1) we will have something like make 
task! syntax, which will use OS threads in the background, just hiding 
the complexity of threading model from user (= simplicity in rebol 
level) 2) In one of recent blogs and their comments Carl said he 
might have its own way of how to do tasking in Rebol. So, how will 
it look? Is it already decided?
A "how was this function called ?" function. I don't think there 
is a way. (although in recent discussion on BIND?....)
I've brought this up before as well, but it looks like it will be 
there for R3, according to the recent blog on it.
Anton's version requires recent releases, where SET works on objects. 
Nice though!
That's ok, it's for the menu style I've been making, which already 
relies on several features added in recent times ... :)
I think, we were allowed to use () in paths in recent versions of 
REBOL. Not exactly sure when.
AS/400 isn't on the current short list of OSs that are kept up to 
date. It looks like the old download page has moved as well, so I 
don't know what the most recent version is.
[unknown: 5]:
I have been thinking about this for sometime.  I'm thinking we need 
an alternative set of mezzanines for those that need performance 
and want to build something off the /base product.  Problem with 
existing mezzanines is that they need to maintain backwards compatibilitiy 
which means we may lack some of the performance we might gain from 
a current alternative.  The goal of the new set of mezzanines is 
to be driven from the most recent distribution of the REBOL platform 
R2.  Obviously, R3 should be accomplishing this task inherently.
Graham: how could single threaded code return, and yet continue to 
execute recent function? What usability case do you have in mind 
The recursive calls limit used to be quite low (150-200 calls), has 
that limit been extended in recent 2.7.x versions?
with the recent change of issue  to word base type, this becomes 
even more usefull.
Hmm, rambo only goes to 4402 for me here. Most recent doesn't show 
your ticket.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
In my recent explorations of the view system, I found it necessary 
to see what is going on.

This program shows detect, engage and over functions in action for 
a face and its subface:
Petr,  In a recent production application, here is what we recommended 
to the users in a web based environment and they liked enough to 
support us with our standards group:

1. tab boxes to cut down on many screens (or to give appearance of 
that) and saves on some trips to the server
2. flyout menus to allow more intuitive navigation

3. breadcrumbs to show they where they are now and how to get back 
to a higher plane

This was a pretty big step forward from the very plain html screens 
which they had been using before with more roundtrip activity.

We prototyped the system in HTML using REBOL CGI functions and got 
some pretty detailed flow before the project was launched.

Maybe your many screens solution should look at those things. I am 
assuming you are creating a View application.
ok, I thought so, once you told me that it is not what I wrote. It 
is because of wrong translation into english, it should probably 
be - "so did anyone any changes in (for?, into?) focus system for 
(in) recent betas?" How should I write it correctly in english?
i think the version in the sdk is more recent.
Seems pretty recent (almost 1.2.48, not in 1.2.8)
I asked my friend about Ruby, Python - as my idea was, that corporations 
should throw out tools like Delphi, VB .... .NET and JAVA are goliath 
... but he told me, that Python has to bind to other gui toolkits 
and that it is not so integrated .... he then mentioned AJAX, killing 
all needs for anything like View ... but - just go and find some 
statistics ... look at W3C and look for the state of support for 
all that MLs in recent browsers - you will find situation quite messy 
i haven't checked the recent versions... but browse used to just 
call /usr/bin/netscape (or variants of that) on unix.
not that I've added anything in recent years
Darn..  =P   I was taking it as, for polygon, the line would be the 
first color and the inside would be the second.

Are there any more recent draw docs, then, so I don't get overly 
confused like this time?
Also, while Carl was the original creator or REBOL, he isn't the 
only creator. A lot of the work was delegated or done for hire by 
others, and (especially for recent releases) most of those others 
are still here to answer questions and help people.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
The most recent Parse finding is probably CureCode #1401, which serves 
as a proof, that While is more "universal/fundamental" than Any (or 
Same), which may be found "crippled" in some situations, just because 
it "knows better than the user what to do" - I personally hate such 
software and am happy we convinced Carl to at least introduce the 
While keyword/operator.
Accuracy is only lost, if the editor doesn't have any contact with 
us, so we can talk to him/her, which seems to be the case of the 
recent edits.
Brian, what's the intent wrt delect? With Carl's most recent wiki 
page describing commands, it seems that a fair amount of  delect's 
parsing power (optional, out of order args) won't be available using 
these - is delect going to remain?
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Maxim, Did you miss the more recent note where Carl announces that 
your preference has been implemented in a84 ?
Well, a89 isn't out yet (when last I checked). Beyond that, it depends 
on how Carl reacts to the recent blog on the parse plans.
well, otoh we lived without OF for so long. I think it can be done 
in a conventional (recent) way :-) I think that Carl should dedicate 
few more days to finish parse and move on to Extensions :-)
I know, but I reacted upon Carl's recent blog, and if Carl dares 
to use the incorrect terminology, then I can too, no? :-)

This function is useful because PARSE rules often store data in variables 
which, depending on how you handle them, can be overwritten by rule 
recursion. (Which is done often in parsing.)
The substring property is just a recent addition
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
visible and total are variable names I tend to use. It might be some 
of my recent code...
spinner widget now using alt click .. is that a problem for OSX
 Nope, OSX maps that to CTRL-click

The build I'm working on reverts spinner to a more "normal" behavior 
(I've worked out how to get half height arrows)
slightly anomalous behaviour ... modal requester

 The underlying View popup/modal system has some subtle bugs, some 
 of which will hopefully be fixed in R3.

attempts" throughout the Rebgui code" ... Odd, I've never needed 
this. Is it only in more recent build(s)? I'd really like to identify 
and fix the underlying cause(s).
you will find it in the RebGUI directory on xpeers

 ... got it the first time, just making sure I was looking at the 
 most current version. FYI, tooltips had me baffled for a long time 
 (they worked for you, consumed tons of CPU for me) until I realized 
 they were only a problem with the new tab-panel implementation ... 
 which now stores all tabs in a pane and uses the show? attribute 
 to work out which one is visible or not (the original stored hidden 
 tabs in a data block). The fix was simple, change the tooltip code 
 to ignore faces with show?: false.

strip tree widget from drop-tree

 ... the tree widget I'm working on is similar to text-list but with 
 leading triangles (indented by level) that toggle between sideways 
 (close leaf) and down (open leaf). Not sure whether Cyphre's one 
 is based on the same [simple] concept.

Can we somehow align while you do RebGUI 2?

 ... as discussed previously (see post from 10-Mar), with the key 
 points being:

 1) Use (and possible extension) of global UI settings (colors, sizes, 
 effects, behaviors) in %rebgui-ctx.r

 2) Widgets should define a 'rebind func if they need to change a 
 statically bound UI setting (e.g. color)
	3) Use the new tab-panel widget

and a fourth:

 4) Layout uses 'tip (not 'tooltip) to specify the widget's tip string!

Note that the current build has had most widget-specific exceptions 
removed, especially from %rebgui-edit.r; and that /dialog (hence 
popup) code has been rewritten to support true modal dialogs (that 
can in turn call additional modal dialogs). The later improvements 
are courtesy of recent REBOL/VIew popup changes.
%create-distribution.r should make the widget merge pretty easy.

Recent changes hopefully make the %area.r caret error trap redundant 
(if not, I'll add that in with the next build)
What extra refinements do you have for display?
That is recent...(and good to hear from you)
ana  button call for anamonitor wich helps me to debugging and no 
my list-view don't works anymore with recent rebgi version (it was 
done with rebgui 0.36 ... )
I am trying to adapt Cyphre's old grid to recent RebGUI requirements. 
I got myself past color adaptation, so actually I can get it displayed, 
internally it returns correctly API function results, but I need 
to adapt to event handling. I am facing two problems:

- editing, double-click etc do not work
- during some actions as resizing I get following error:

** Script Error: action has no refinement called on-click
** Where: set-data
** Near: face/action/on-click face

I looked into: help ctx-rebgui/widgets/grid/action, but those funcs 
are not set. Is there any need to set those function for particular 
widget? I looked at some other styles as e.g. button, but button 
is not using its face/action/on-click either, so I am a bit confused 
It was a recent change, don't remember when it happened exactly.
MaxV,  this works perfectly for me on Ubuntu 10.04.1, using your 
rebol.deb installer - I ran Ubuntu directly from the CD created using 
the most recent Ubuntu download, installed REBOL using your Ubuntu 
package, and ran this script.  Perhaps your version of RebGUI is 
different than mine?  This version loads rebgui.r from an http:// 

rebol []
do http://re-bol.com/rebgui.r
font1: make face/font [
    name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf"
    size: 11
    style: [italic bold]
example: compose [
    font (font1)
    pen red
    text "Hello World!"
display "Example" [
    style 20x20 data [
        box snow 100x100 effect [
            draw example
I downloaded the source codes for RebGUI but it looks it is not the 
latest version.

Many of the functions & styles are totally different in rebgui-92396.zip 
(source from codeplex) and in B117 (from dobeash website).
Is there any more recent version somewhere?
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
If you tried DO-THRU above, then it should be the most recent file 
in your public cache.
But anyway, here is a direct link.
R3's STACK returns information about the entire call stack, though 
the 'debug security setting would put some limits on it. SECURE is 
disabled in recent builds so we don't know what the limits are; we 
could try older versions to find out what those limits used to be. 
Also, see http://issue.cc/r3/885for a bug in STACK.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
BrainH: is recent Extension API enough to link to .NET, or would 
you welcome some other additions, as utypes, for such an interface?
the gfx card is responsible for a lot of the watts being consumed... 
more than any recent cpu in any case.
Perosnally, I'm not convinced by these brain shrinking theories. 
I quote from Tony Buzan (The Mind Mapping Man) :

Recent research has shown that in a normal, healthy brain (that is, 
one in a healthy, aerobically fit body in which the brain is used 
well) there is no apparent loss of brain cells; only a growth in 
the interconnections, and therefore multiple intelligences of  that 

As the 20th Century ended, biologists at Princeton University came 
up witht the discovery ... that parts of the human brain can generate 
thousands of new brain cells, everyday

I can't find the original scientific reference - Google only guided 
me to http://biology.about.com/library/weekly/aa102199.htm
Yes, that's the recent stuff
Nice analysis of the recent attack on apache.org:
Wow. Recent ACM and IEEE issues have had a number of articles on 
just how fast we've moved to the cloud, and that it will only accelerate. 
They also discuss technical issues that need to be addressed, but 
I don't think any of them have said "the big cloud providers could 
go down for 30 hours."
:-) Yeah, I've seen those in recent years
With all the recent problems in Japan and the rapidly increasing 
cost of oil, something that is this close to being usable in production 
is being totally ignored.
Weird. On every device I've tried the WinCE build with, the window 
didn't resize for the virtual keyboard, so the actual command line 
was covered up by the keyboard. Are you saying that this problem 
went away at some point with a more recent WinCE version?
And, when I judge also whether the recent (new) informations are 
mentioned, the WP is almost unbeatable
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
It's a shame that menus have to be reinvented -- every system View 
runs on has a menu structure built in, and I'd rather use that than 
rolling our own.  Especially on OS X.  Our interface could be eg. 
a dialect attached to a window containing features common in menu 
systems: view/menu layout [...]["File" ["New" ["Document" "Template"] 
"Open" ctrl #"O" (does this) "Open Recent" get-recent-docs]]
Roll-your-owns are often inferior to the OS default on recent OS 
X, but were not necessarily so on earlier versions of OS X before 
it was polished. Some developers are still better than Apple in that 
respect. BTW, the worst of the roll-your-own developers on OS X nowadays 
is Apple - they don't follow their own UI conventions anymore.
All good ideas gentlemen.  For the way I work (lazy and forgetful) 
I'd prefer not to have to type system/console/last-result if we can 
convice Carl to make it nice and short like  recent  or  answer  
or ans or just  or anything along the six or less character typing 
range.  Plus if there is no shift-key involved, that'd be a bonus 
(meaning if we pick a symbol to suggest, I'd prefer backtick over 
Note; with the recent blog post; this basic-test-engine.r  may wel 
become part of the build-basic-test-engine-scripts.r reflective test 
generator.  As Carl points out; these are not better than human written. 
 They may cover more bases but still require a lot of attention to 
detail.   My interest in all this is mainly to keep Carl and RT away 
from the potato peeling work, freeing them for building new things. 
This works in recent versions of REBOL:
   somefunc: func [x] [print pick series/:x]
note the ":" before the "x"
Yup. There is a lot to learn there, and the number one lesson is 
this: they did it with what was there already, no plugins. If we 
want REBOL in web browsers, we are going to have to look somewhere 
other than Google for inspiration. Still, some of their recent behavior 
has some clues. Look at Gears - they are clearly recognizing that 
networks aren't reliable or fast enough to count on consistency. 
That's why they are promoting local storage.
He posted this Monday, and am not sure it would hurt to publish it:

Delay in upload caused by:

1. Resize needed some more work.  That has been done, and it is much 
better.  We will probably see a few more bugs, and may still want 
to make some general adjustments.  The main idea of resize has changed 
from earlier VID releases. I will write a DocBase page on it to explain 
how it works and why I changed it. 

2. A few styles broke in recent changes. These need to be fixed. 
Should only take a few hours.

3. A few weeks ago, when making larger changes, I removed some of 
the compound styles. I want to add back at least one or two, probably 
LIST for text lists at minimum.
Graham - as far as my understanding goes, it actually can be released 
without the finished Core. Maybe few fixes to View kernel will be 
needed (especially if we want Unicoded display), but it can be imo 
released with recent Core.
What happened to the stuff Carl was working on to increasing the 
power of the GUI by making it more webpage-like - by incorporating 
services into the widgets? I have not heard any recent talk of these 
I think we're doing pretty well on catching bugs and getting things 
redone and simplified that are too hard to work with. Carl needs 
a lot of convincing in this department, and will ask me if there 
isn't a different way to do the same thing. He needs convincing that 
his code or methods are too hard to work with, but when there is 
a change, it's usually a great one, such as the recent addition of 
multiple draw blocks for the same style.

So I think he will want to interfere, unless it's a component that 
I wrote that works flawlessly, is perhaps 4-5 lines of code and I 
didn't mention any problems in developing it. :-)

We're two people catching bugs a little faster than Carl can fix 
them. When the situation becomes opposite, then probably there will 
be another release or more people added.
Henrik - do we have anything like "anchor"? I do remember, from Romano' 
s styleset resizing model, that you could anchor your element to 
some other, and it stayed that way. Maybe it is not needed with recent 
resizing model?
I suggested to Carl to consider KDE 4 aproach. It was in development 
few years, and it seeemed like there is no end to this. So the team 
decided to cut some features for 4.1 and later, mark recent state 
as 4.0, and release it. They were criticised, but I do understand 
their motives. Those are mainly psychological - release, and never 
look back. Use current one. Are there bugs? OK, let's fix them, and 
go ahead ...
kib2, go to http://curecode.org/rebol3/view-tickets.rsp

and filte by "Recent changes". The gray entries are the changes.
Good, because Carl has shifted his priorities for now to helping 
me by fixing errors that are blocking me. He asked me to change all 
of my worst pet peeves in CureCode to urgent last night, and he accepted 
almost all of my recent work in DevBase. GATHER hasn't made it in 
yet though - I am explaining its need to him now.
I had another request to join R3 discussion. Couldn't some interim 
solution being made, e.g. refusing names with special chars? Returning 
error would be enough for ppl to know they ought to choose different 
name, no? Because - recent solution was meant to be interim one, 
but it typically became permanent one, without any resolution of 
when actually it gets fixed ...
Just wanted to look-up some info about ReBin, as it is mentioned 
in recent March R3 plan, and found out following article:


Pity it is almost 4.5 year old one. Hopefully we get it in upcoming 
months, as some features were really planned for ... sooooooo long 
Recent Flash releases are the thing to beat. If we aren't at least 
as secure as Flash, consider R3 to be malware.
Henrik:<I can only emphasize the importance of submitting Curecode 

If you look at some very recent bug reports (numbers 700 -- 799), 
over half of them have been resolved, often within days
    46 built and/or tested (ie fixed) 
     8 dismissed (not actual bugs)

There seems no better time to report R3 problems than now!

The rest are Reviewed, Deferred or Waiting.....So still on the action 
These functions have been part of the recent debate over series! 
and its types...
It's a recent bug fix. Wait, isn't STRICT-EQUAL? supposed to be EQUIVALENT? 
plus a datatype check? Then if EQUIVALENT? already does zone math 
I vote that STRICT-EQUAL? do zone math and SAME? do precise equivalence.
Most of Fork's recent complaint about tag! in R3 came down to not 
making the distinction between "join" (JOIN and REJOIN) and "adjoin" 
(AJOIN). If he had been around for the discussion that led to the 
creation of the AJOIN function it woldn't have been a problem :(
Carl asked me to ask, what is general opinion to my suggestion - 
to remove parse /all refinement altogether. Current proposal is to 
swith parse by default to /all mode for block rules, and to recent 
default behaviour for string rule. As for myself I don't mind compatibility, 
so I prefer removing /all refinement and switching pase internally 
to /all mode ....
I would wait 6-12 months at least with using R3 in production apps, 
particularly if you are betting on advanced high level things like 
GUI. Development could start now, but R3 is not near feature freeze 
yet. Many moving targets and bugs remain. Cyphre is supposed to give 
the graphics engine another overhaul. We are also missing many docs 
for painless porting of R3 to other OS'es.

BTW: Carl has mentioned before that some things are needed for beta. 
I'm not sure the recent blog post is a good indication that R3 is 
anywhere near beta. I read it more like "this is a necessary 3.0 
Just edited the parse proposals, based on recent discussions. Added 
a STAY proposal, renamed EITHER 2 to THEN, added the controversy 
to the priorities section.
Cyphre is waiting for the C code alignment. He does not have recent 
sources for View. If I understand him correctly, he has to wait for 
the Host code release ...
it's an willing change of the design from Carl, long time ago.
It's not recent.
Brian: I judge situation upon recent experience! Networking protocols 
are NOT delivered by anyone for something like 3 years. So "it can 
be" means nothing for me, especially for the low-level C code of 
certain quality. How many C coders do we have here? How many of them 
are able to write the code, which would be accepted by Carl to be 
included in official distro?
If we did not get single networking protocol in 3 years, no single 
fix to http protocol (and we are talking mezzanine level here), WHEN 
do you expect, that feature like SSL/TLS, https could appear for 
R3? That is my only worry here. I am not agains the delivery by some 
"third party", I am just worried judging by recent experience ...
guys, to make things clear for me - recent efforts - if someone reports, 
that R3 compiles on system XY, does it mean that we are able to build 
R3 on such a platform = it is build and usable on such a platform? 
Or are we reporting that Carl is able to compile just DLL on a target 
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
I wonder if the /lines is a recent refinement or if I just never 
noticed it.
BTW.. did any of you see the recent discussions about Unicorn ( a 
pure Unix philosophy webserver - that uses pool of processes .. etc.. 
very interesting blogposts in any manner, I can find links if anyone 
is interested. It reminded me a little on cheyenne too, although 
Unicorn has no async I think)
I had a problem to start the recent cheyenne version as a service 
after encapping.
I got always crash.logs that it could not find some files.
After manually copying the files it works.
Can it be that in .cache.efs the new features are not included?
It seems that the PID file location recent change was a bad move, 
/var/run is by default only writable by root...To workaround that, 
user should create a sub-folder as root and then chown it to the 
application user to allow it to write PID files there : http://serverfault.com/questions/159334/what-permission-to-write-pid-file-in-var-run
Also, the version I have still says "> Catched Error <" which might 
read better as "> Caught Error <". That may be in recent versions.
I do see the asymmetry on our server. I have also had cases, though, 
where the number of workers went above eight or to zero. I'm not 
sure if that is still happening with the recent version
SQLite use to have issues handling concurrent writes (data corruption 
could happen), I don't know if recent versions improved that or not.
If you upgraded from a really older version, you might get some issues 
with the libraries loading from app-init.r as DO behaviour was changed 
in more recent versions.
Right, I should also recompile it with a more recent version of msvcrt 
library I guess.
Group: !REBOL3 Priorities ... Project priorities discussion [web-public]
So far, that is - see recent blogs for details.
Group: !REBOL3 Schemes ... Implementors guide [web-public]
The .rlp version is more than 2 years old, the .r is more recent 
and works.
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